Essay Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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College athletes are some of the hardest working Americans and yet they are not allowed to be fully rewarded for their hard work. The NCAA denies them of being paid to play sports which is simply wrong. These athletes are being cheated by big business and there needs to be a stop to this sometime in the near future. These student-athletes put in countless hours of work in the classroom and on the field and all the while they have to pay tens of thousands of dollars a year to do this. That's just wrong and needs to be fixed, the NCAA needs to allow for college athletes to be paid. There are no reasons to support why college athletes shouldn't be played. If asked whether or not they should be paid popular opinion tends to say “Why not”. The real question to be asked isnt whether or not they deserve it but instead “ “If the NCAA weren’t colluding against them, would they get paid?” And the answer is, “Yes, they would.” We all should have the …show more content…

Many division 1 athletes spend about 40 hours a week on sports whether it be practice, games, training sessions, film sessions, or meetings. Forty hours a week is same as a full time job which is a busy schedule by anybody's standards. “If a student has 10 hours of class each week and puts in the recommended four hours of study for each hour of class, then athletes college athletes are not required to simply play sports 40 hours a week. spend 50 hours each week studying and attending mandatory classes and study halls.This means that college athletes have to work 90 hours per week just to remain in school on their scholarship. This is the equivalent to working two full-time jobs with a side job on the weekends just to pay their bills.”(Top 10). Imagine working 90 hours a week for 4-5 years and not have any money to show for it and only receive a degree that other students who only devoted 50 hours a week also

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