Essay: What Is Long Distance Virtual Love?

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Long Distance Virtual Love
Many people use the internet to communicate with each other, whether it be through different platforms of social media, games, and forums. While some make friends others find love, but I will argue that these relationships cannot be kept as long as one that enjoys physical interaction. Talking to someone over the internet may be enjoyable at first but it isn 't as fulfilling as actually being near them physically, and soon the need of actually wanting to meet them will compel either person to do whatever it takes to satisfy that urge. I believe we all attract one another and need some sense of physical proximity to each other. Therefore this feeling of wanting to be close cannot be fulfilled through an internet relationship. …show more content…

These three qualities combine to form in my opinion the model relationship. Although, Proximity is what I believe to be the most important as it 's what ties the other two qualities together and completes the combo. As most people know communication is very important in any relationship but not everyone does effectively or they start to, but begin to fall off with their partners. The result of this is a relationship that isn 't very effective at relating problems directly. Poor communication is also one of the most common problems with failing relationships. When there isn 't strong communication problems go unsolved and emotions are conveyed as intended. As a result misunderstandings can develop, and hard feelings toward one another can may form, which could lead to separation or divorce if married. When a relationship is rich in communication feelings are conveyed effectively conflicts are resolved with minimal damage to either side, and people enjoy the freedom equally shared conversation. Although, online this is a different story. In the case of social media communication is shared and it can be a rich rewarding experience. The only problem with online communication is that it must be understood by the people involved equally or misunderstanding develops. The reason why is because not all the time emotion can be conveyed as clearly as when face to face. Oftentimes …show more content…

Although intimacy isn 't that hard to express through the internet. Even though, Intimacy online or virtual intimacy which I will refer to when talking about its use through the internet can either be real or fake, it also depends on how it 's communicated and received. Intimacy often relates to one 's deepest nature and is often displayed as a sort of closeness and affection for each other but on a much deeper level. Intimacy doesn 't always have to be sexual but is often confused with passion which is a strong sexual desire for another person. Intimacy is around the same ballpark but isn 't always marked by sexual lust. In fact intimacy can be expressed through many mediums online whether it be through text, picture, and even regular or live video. You may ask yourself well it seems virtual intimacy doesn 't seem that bad when compared to the effectiveness of online communication. Indeed it can be equally unsatisfactory. For one thing the validity of intimacy is important when considering its use in the virtual world as anyone can be deceived into a fake relationship in which the con artist will use effective communication and good use of intimacy to scam the unsuspecting victim, this sort of thing happens all the time online. So this is one of the reasons that marks virtual relationships is its vulnerability to fraudulent activity. Any naive

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