Work and Energy
According to Holt Physical science, work is the “transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that causes the body to move in the direction of the force” (Holt 378). Work is equal to force multiplied by distance, meaning that in order to do work something has to move. Energy is “the capacity to do work” (Holt 73). Energy is transferred or transformed whenever work is done. Work requires an object to experience a change in position or motion but energy can be present even when nothing appears to be happening. Both work and energy are measured in Joules.
In order for work to be done force has to cause a change in the position or motion of the object in the direction from which the force comes from. Meaning, the object that the force is applied to has to move in order for it to be considered work. So if you tried to push a wall and the distance the wall moved is zero then the work done on the wall is zero. However you are doing work on your muscles in your body. Your muscles contract over and over again and with each contraction a tiny amount of work is being done, but after a while this can add up to a lot of work.
“The distance (or displacement) in work is the distance from the start point to the end point” (ducksters). So if you pick up a book and then put it back down in the same spot the distance is zero. “Distance is used rather than displacement in the simple definition because the force acting may take a windy path” (WORK, ENERGY & POWER). Direction does not matter in work.
Work is often measured in joules. Joules is: newtons times meters, or N X m. One joule is equivalent to 1 kg X 1 kg X m2/s2. “Because these units are equal, you can choose whichever unit is easiest for s...
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...ultiplies the input force…A machine with a mechanical advantage of less than 1 does not multiply force, but increases distance and speed” (Holt 383). If something has a MA of exactly 1 it means that the machine has no mechanical advantage or disadvantage.
There are two types of mechanical advantages: ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) and actual mechanical advantage (AMA). Ideal mechanical advantage is the MA of a machine that is ideal. Meaning, the machine is 100% efficient so it doesn’t have the effects of friction. There are no ideal machines, so It’s theoretical and it is calculated using physics principles. The equation for IMA is: IMA= effort distance/ resistance of distance. Actual mechanical advantage is MA of a real machine. It takes in consideration things like friction. The equation for AMA is: AMA=resistance force /actual effort force.
According to Neumann, a force can be considered a push or pull that can produce, arrest or modify movement and can be measured as F=ma (Neumann, 2010). Force can also be considered the load. In regards to muscle contraction force relative to the joint, the force can be the internal force produced by the muscle itself, the force of gravity or the force of the particular load/weight. Torque is a cross product between force and the distance of the force from the fulcrum and is the ability of a force to cause rotation on a lever. Torque is a measure of how much a force acting on an
...hese complex machines make work easier for us. Simple machines are also useful. For one they make up all complex machines. They also make work more manageable.
Work is a word that one hears on a daily basis on multiple different levels; work out, work at school, go to work, work at home, work for change. Society today is made of people that work hard every moment of their day from sunrise to twilight, these workers work for food, housing, family, education, and transportation. Essentially in today’s world if one wants something they must work for it, gone are the days where handouts are common and charity is given freely. The question then arises, who speaks for these voiceless workers that are often working so hard they have no time to voice an opposition? The authors Levine and Baca speak very well for these workers and for society in general, their narrators speak of not only work but of the world
type of energy is lost or gained, and whether or not a factor that is
In the essay “Work in an Industrial Society” by Erich Fromm, the author explains how work used to carry a profound satisfaction, however today workers only care about their payment for their labor. Fromm opens up with how craftsmanship was developed in the thirteenth and fourteenth century. It was not until the Middle ages, Renaissance and the eighteenth century, when craftsmanship was at its peak. According to C.W. Mills, workers were free to control his or her own working actions, learn from their work and develop their skills and capacities. Despite what Mills says, people today spend their best energy for seven to eight hours a day to produce “something”. Majority of the time, we do not see the final
Newton’s second law explains how the velocity of an object changes when it is subjected to an outside force. In the second law of motion, force is defined to be equal the change in momentum which is mass times velocity per change in time. Since Sir Isaac Newton was also advanced in mathematics, he created a formula to formulate his second law of motion. The formula that he created for his second law of motion is F = m X a. In the formula the F represents force. The M in the formula represents the mass of the object. Lastly, the A represent the acceleration. The entire formula is used to find the product of an object 's mass and its acceleration. Newton’s second law of motion enhanced individuals today to calculate how much force one object
In this inquiry the relationship between force and mass was studied. This inquiry presents a question: when mass is increased is the force required to move it at a constant velocity increased, and how large will the increase be? It is obvious that more massive objects takes more force to move but the increase will be either linear or exponential. To hypothesize this point drawing from empirical data is necessary. When pulling an object on the ground it is discovered that to drag a four-kilogram object is not four times harder than dragging a two-kilogram object. I hypothesize that increasing the mass will increase the force needed to move the mass at a constant rate, these increases will have a liner relationship.
Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object and to the square of its velocity: K.E. = 1/2 m v2. The formula for potential energy depends on the force acting on the two objects. For the gravitational force the formula is P.E. = mgh, where m is the mass in kilograms, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m / s2 at the surface of the earth) and h is the height in meters. Notice that gravitational potential energy has the same units as kinetic energy, kg m2 / s2. In fact, all energy has the same units, kg m2 / s2, and is measured using the unit Joule
Thermodynamics is defined as “the study of heat transfer and its relationship to doing work.” Specifically, it is a field of physics that has to do with “the transfer of energy from one place to another or from one form to another” (Drake P.1). Heat acts as a form of energy that equates to a total amount of work. Heat was recognized as a form of energy around the year 1798. Count Rumford (Sir Benjamin Thompson), a British military engineer, observed that “numerous amounts of heat could be generated in the boring of cannon barrels” (Drake P.1), which is where a cannon’s firing port is enlarged using a drill and immense amounts of heat to make the metal malleable. He also observed that “the work done in turning a blunt boring tool was proportional
Often, energy is exchanged with a gas while work is either done on the gas or by the gas. When work is done on the gas, work is negative; whereas, when work is done by the gas, work is positive (Serway & Vuille, 2012). The internal energy of an ideal gas is represented by the expression:
Newton’s Second Law of Motion. It states, “The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of that object times its acceleration (Lucas, paragraph 2).” Mike 's car, which weighs 1,000 kg, is out of gas. Mike is trying to push the car to a gas station, and he makes the car go 0.05 m/s/s. Using Newton 's Second Law, you can compute how much force Mike is applying to the car with this formula ( F= 1,000 x 0.05 which equals 50 newtons). This is easy,
The poem, “What Work Is” by Philip Levine is an intricate and thought-provoking selection. Levine uses a slightly confusing method of describing what work actually is. He gives the idea that work is very tedious, however necessary. It is miserable, however, it is a sacrifice that is essentially made by many, if not all able-bodied members of society. Many have to sacrifice going to a concert or a movie, but instead works jobs with hardly a manageable salary. This poem seems to have a focus on members of the lower-class or middle-class who live paycheck to paycheck and are unable to put money away for a future for their children or for a vacation and how difficult life can be made to be while living under this type of circumstance. Levine
In society, most people will work for many different reasons. Some will work based on the needs of money to survive, some require money to feed their love ones, and some just need money for their own leisure. In life, most people work just to stay busy, and even work until it’s time for them to retire. When applying for a job, the employer will ask for a résumé or a job application. When the information is given, it contains a work history which is a detailed report of all the jobs that a person has held, including company name, job title, and dates of employment. Companies typically required that applicants must provide their work history when applying for a job. A person’s work history is used by prospective employers to verify the information that a person has provided and to be contacted by pervious employers for background checks.
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. There are three forms of kinetic energy: vibrational, rotational, and translational. First, translational kinetic energy, the amount of translational kinetic energy that an object has depends upon two variables: the mass of the object and the speed of the object. Second, rotational kinetic energy, or angular kinetic energy, is kinetic energy. The rotation of an object is part of its total kinetic energy, looking at rotational energy separately around an object's axis of rotation. Vibrational kinetic energy is the kinetic energy an object because of
Long working hours continue to be one of the largest health concerns in the world. Currently, the world population has become so busy due to the pressure from harsh economic conditions. People are therefore spending long working hours in the workplace, which is an aspect that has negative impact on their health conditions. Statistics from Working Condition Survey indicates that approximately 30% of workers residing in European Union believe that their health is at risk due to the hours they spent in the workplace (Gurung, 2010:16)