Vitiligo: a Breakdown
Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which the skin has a deficiency of melanocytes in some areas, primarily around openings like the nose and mouth and areas with more bone prominences like the knees and elbows; however researchers have not yet discovered why this is, but currently the two most popular and widely accepted hypotheses are genetic and autoimmune causation. Vitiligo has also been noted to be be triggered, or impaired by psychological stress, hormonal changes like puberty and childbirth, trauma to the skin, and even exposure to certain chemicals. There are two main forms of vitiligo: nonsegmental vitiligo, and segmental vitiligo.
Regarding the genetics hypotheses of vitiligo, its inheritance is multigenic, with the majority of the studies so far
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The antibodies, which the body produces in response to foreign bodies in the blood, in vitiligo patients usually complement their melanocytes causing the antibodies to tag the melanocytes in order to signal that the immune system
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First, that the cytotoxic T cells and B lymphocytes confront the antigen differently, it is possible that MelanA only contains epitopes, the part of the antigen that an antibody attaches itself to, that induce cellular rather than humoral autoreactivity. The immune response to MelanA in vitiligo may be that cellular reactivity is prevalent and a humoral response is deficient. Likewise, it is also possible that the epitopes for B lymphocytes are inadequate or partially unexposed, therefore failing to stimulate an autoimmune response from them. Alternatively, there may be an unforeseen temporal aspect that may be significant when searching for Melana-A specific antibodies in patients with vitiligo as they could be produced after chronic disease
For my summer assignment, I read the book Skinwalkers by Tony Hillerman. Skinwalkers is about a Navajo police officer named Jim Chee. The story takes place on the Navajo Reservation spanning several states (Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico). Throughout the book, Chee works with Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn to solve three seemingly connected homicides. Over the course of the story, the Officers find several strange bits of evidence, such as small bones and strange stories about things happening around the reservation. As the case progresses, Chee and Leaphorn discover that the motive may be much deeper than just hate, it may have to do with witchcraft. As the story concludes, Leaphorn realizes that Chee has been led into a trap and rushes
Xeroderma Pigmentosum is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in one of any seven genes. This genetic mutation is an autosomal recessive trait. This disease was discovered in 1874 by Hebra and Kaposi. People with this disease cannot have direct exposure to sunlight, or blisters on the skin may occur. There are only about 250 people in the world with this disease.
When people are exposed to UV light, from the sun or, for example, in a tanning booth, the melanocyte cells make more melanin and pack together tighter, resulting in darker skin tones. If the skin is receiving too much ultraviolet light, the melanocytes may begin to grow abnormally and become melanoma during this process.
A study carried out by Telang (2013)(14) showed that 10 % of vitamin C applied topically decrease UVB induced erythema by 52% and sunburn cell formation by 40-60%. Vitamin C has a role to reduce the melanin formation by inhibition of tyrosinase enzyme that decrease dark spots. It has photo aging protection due to promoting collagen synthesis, as it is essential cofactor for enzymes required for its biosynthesis as a result, decrease wrinkle appearance (15).
Vitiligo has been around for many, many years. “ Vitiligo has been described in medical literature for hundreds of years. The origination is unknown”, said Dr. Shane Morgan, a dermatologist from Lincoln, Rhode Island. Michael fir...
Albinism is a genetically linked disease and is presented at birth; it is characterized as a lack of pigment called melanin that normally gives color to a person’s skin, hair and eyes. This results in milky white hair and skin, and blue- gray eyes. Melanin is synthesized from amino acid called tyrosine, which originates from the enzyme tyrosinase. Albinism affects all races and both sexes; people with this disease have inherited a recessive, nonfunctional tyrosinase allele from both parents (Saladin 189). The inheritance of Albinism is coded in the gene of the parent’s alleles. Alleles are two different versions of the same gene or trait and are found on the same place of a chromosome. One allele is coded for the production of melanin that will produce normal skin, hair and eye color and another allele that represent the lack of melanin that produces abnormal skin, hair and eyes.
This meant that over time, humans lost most of their hair on their bodies, leaving their skin exposed. Sweat glands were going to help the body cool down, but they couldn’t protect the skin from harmful UV rays. This is where melanin works its magic, and it’s the reason for the diversity in skin color today. Melanin helps reduce the absorption of wavelengths into the skin (Chaplin, Jablonski, 59).... ...
The skin is the largest organ in the body, covering the bones and internal organs, protecting them from injuries, it serves as a barrier to germs, and bacteria and helps to prevent fluid loss. The skin helps to control the body’s temperature and also aids in removing certain body wastes, therefore making it a vital organ just as any other organ such as the heart or brain.
Albinism happens when one of numerous genes is fault. Each of these genes offers orders for making one of several proteins involved in the making of melanin. This imperfection may outcome in the nonappearance of melanin production or a cheap quantity. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, which are found in your skin and eyes. The amount of coloring varies. Some people gain a little pigmentation in their hair or eyes when aging. Some develop pigmented spots on their skin. A person with total absence of melanin is called an albino. One with only a small amount of melanin is described as albinoid. (What is Albinism by Right Diagnosis April 22, 2014).
Psoriasis is a disease that has been associated with humans since the beginning of time. It is a type of autoimmune disease that produces red, slivery, and scaly patches to appear on the skin. Autoimmune disease is a type of disease that occurs when the body’s immune system mistaken the body’s organs as foreign substance. Psoriasis is chronic and can affect people of all ages but it is not contagious. There are currently about 125 million people around the world suffering from psoriasis or about 3% of the world’s total population. This essay will discuss the importance, biochemistry, and the potential treatment options of psoriasis.
Albinism is a genetic disorder that is caused by the lack of pigments. Sometimes it only affects the eye which is called ocular albinism. You can receive albinism from your genetics. You can be an albino in your eyes, skin or hair. It affects people of all races and all around the world. Studies show one in 20,000 people worldwide have some form of albinism. Certain forms of albinism are more common in some populations. Most common form of albinism is OCAZ and is found in one in 36, 0000 Caucasians in the United States. There are four types of albinism; type 1 is characterized by white hair, very pale skin, and light colored eyes. Type 2 is less severe their skin is usually a creamy white color and their hair could be a light yellow, blonde or light brown. Type 3 has a form of albinism called “rufous oculocutaneous albinism” this usually affects dark-skinned people. They have reddish-brown skin, ginger or red hair and hazel or brown eyes. Type 3 has milder vision problems. Type 4 has the same symptoms similar to type 2. Types 1 and 2 are the most common forms; types 3 and 4 are not as common.
"Oculocutaneous albinism." - Genetics Home Reference. N.p., 3 Dec. 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. .
Human pigmentation is influenced by hemoglobins within blood vessels in the skin, carotene and melanins. Melanin, the basis of pigmentation, can be found in the forms of eumelanin and phaeomelanin. Eumelanin is the brown-black pigment located in the skin, hair, and eyes. Phaeomelanin is a yellow to reddish-brown pigment found in small quantities within the skin, eyes, and red hair. Because of these two pigments, to a greater or lesser degree, we have the variation in human pigmentation that is seen today.
Colorism has became a huge issue in today’s society. Colorism is an issue because, it is a form of racism, it reflects back on the days of slavery, it is overall rude, and jail terms are affected.