Essay On Universal Health Care In Canada

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Canada is the only developed country with universal health insurance coverage that does not also offer universal prescription drug benefits. The government is scared of the tax increase it would cause to implement a pharmacare plan even though health policy researchers proves there would be none. Implementing a universal healthcare plan would save money in the long run and benefit thousands of people who cannot afford to buy their prescribed drugs. About one in ten Canadian report they cannot afford to take their medication as prescribed because of the cost. Canadians spent just over $22 billion on drugs in 2012-13. Under a national pharmacare plan, spending would drop by 32 per cent, to $15.1 billion — for a savings of about $7.3 billion under a base-scenario estimate. Delaying the implementation of a universal healthcare plan is no longer justifiable. …show more content…

Canada also has the fastest rising drug costs among The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries: more than 10 per cent per year. Countries with universal pharmacare, like France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand, pay less for their drugs, and their costs increase at a much lower rate. Canada pays about 20 per cent more for brand name drugs. Meanwhile, countries that negotiate the supply of generic drugs pay 90 per cent less than we do. If we were to buy our drugs in bulk we could potentially save $8.2 billion. Justin Trudeau said the Liberals would invest $3 billion over the next four years to provide additional and improved services for the nearly two million people currently receiving care at home. In addition to improved home care, the new health accord would prioritize boosting access to and reducing the costs of prescription drugs for the provinces and territories by buying them in

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