Essay On The Thematic Structure Of The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald In the novel “The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald” has the thematic structure as a failure of the American dream. In a number of ways, the characters in this novel fail to achieve the American dream. This is shown in the manner in which most of the characters in this novel live their lives. This paper will be aimed at discussing the thematic structure as a failure of the American dream. One of the characters whose presence in the novel clearly brings out the thematic structure as a failure of the American dream is Gatsby. At the beginning, Gatsby is presented as a dreamer. He is charming and a little bit mysterious given the fact that no one knows the source of his wealth at the beginning of the novel. …show more content…

At the end of the 7th Chapter as Gatsby stands outside Daisy’s with hopes that maybe Daisy will come to sight. By this time he not aware that he had gone too far in the pursuit of his version of the “American dream”. To Gatsby, what he was doing at that particular moment could be termed as honourable as it was in pursuit of his own definition of success as asserted by the “American dream”. This can be used in showing the extent to which the blind following of dreams might be punishing. Even after the accident took place while he was not the one behind the wheel, he was willing to take the blame just because of the fact that it was Daisy who was behind the wheel at the time the accident took place (Dickstein 111). Myrtle's husband eventually kills Gatsby and kills himself for the suspicion that Gatsby was having an affair with his life. By the time that Gatsby dies, he had not achieved in any way the goal that he had in many years wanted to achieve. In fact, from a critical point of view readers can be able to realize that is, in fact his pursuit for the dream that got him killed. He would not have been in the car # with Daisy were in not for the fact that he was illusion by the idea of having her in his

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