Essay On The Pros And Cons Of War

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War is nothing to joke about, but it is also something that should not be discussed and it is better off not having the chance to occur. Do you ever wonder what the consequences of a war can be? Though often times the results of war are negative, there can be some positive benefits as well. It is easy to see that there are two sides to everything and World War One is no exception. America is getting involved for different reasons and this will impact our country in many ways. First, we will discuss some of the positives or “pros” of joining this war known as World War One. First of all, war can economically benefit the country. Though you think joining a war would have a negative impact and involve a lot of government spending, you can actually gain money from it. War is profitable. Additionally, it can give many Americans more opportunity to work and serve the country. Looking back to the Civil War, many factory workers were needed to do things such as manufacture guns and weapons or make uniforms for soldiers. The labor force needed for that was very large and because of it, man...

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