Essay On The Movie Remarriage

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Film Viewing Review- Remarriage 1. What are some of the issues of Dating after divorce or widowhood? What did you see in the film? Some of the problems of dating after divorce is finding a suitable partner who may not have any children or baggage at an older age. In this movie both the mom and dad had children and it was tough to keep a strong relationship because both of them had to keep an eye on the all the kids. Also when a parent finds another partner, it can be a major problem for the kids to accept each other as a family and that can cause major problems or fights. Not accepting each other because the kids do not want change is an issue of a parent dating another person. I saw all of this in the film and it was pretty apparent to me. The last thing I saw was the two sets of kids wanting their parents to break up. That is a real problem and can cause lots of stress on the parents. Many kids will not want their divorced parents to find another love. Mostly because they will feel that their parents will get back together and if they find another parent, then they will never be a family again. That can be very scary to kids so it can cause behavioral issues also. Rebellion is another issue that pops up to keep the …show more content…

Also I really admired that how this family could come together and accept each other as true brothers and sisters once they quit all the fighting. A unique feature is that step family have the ability to a true family. Just because you aren’t related to your step sibling doesn’t mean you can’t be true siblings. I really enjoyed watching the family come together and accepting each other and working together. Also, what was unique is that this family finally worked out how to be successful together. They started to get in their routines at home just like a real family would and the need for the schedule wasn’t as apparent towards the end of the

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