Essay On The Most Sorrowful Incident In My Life

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About two years ago, the most sorrowful thing that has ever happened to me took place. It was my older brother 's death. I still remember the moment the phone rang, and somebody was telling me that my brother had an accident and was taken to the hospital, and he was not conscious as well. I was speechless at that moment and debating whether I should tell my mom or not because she was sitting right next to me. Anyway , my mom felt that something bad has happened to my brother ; she saw it in my face and immediately began questioning me about every single word that was said in the phone conversation .As a matter of fact , I had no choice but to tell her about what happened. I told her that my brother was involved in a small auto accident , and he was in the hospital …show more content…

I was hurt and trying unsuccessfully to deal with the pain of my loss. The whole family was devastated by his sudden death. In fact, I remember I used to sit in my room and cry for hours every day. I couldn 't stop, and I was so scared of the fact that I was not going to see him anymore. I went back into the past to find memories of him. I missed him so much, and I still do. He was a wonderful, kind, and sensitive brother. It was a big loss for me. What made it worse was that I did not have a good friend who could support me and understood what I was going through and how much pain I was in. it was overwhelming, and I couldn’t think about anything else. As a result, my behavior was becoming abnormal, and my thoughts were disordered. After a while, I started not to show up for classes because I was still in shock and couldn 't concentrate on anything .After a while , I realized that I 'm dishonoring my brother by doing that, so I decided to make some changes by firstly going back to school. As I remember, it took me almost one year before I went back to school after his

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