Essay On The Louvre

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Introduction: In the past, museums have been overlooked and not given enough appreciation. Museums display history, thoughts, and experiences through time .In addition, museums help preserve historical heritage. The fact that they are underrated causes people to miss out on previous events that occurred in the past. Recently a plethora of people are visiting museums because they realize the importance of familiarizing themselves with the world’s history and their roots. History can people understand the past, interpret the present, and prepare ourselves for the future. Origin Story of the Louvre: • The Louvre was authorized by King Phillipe-Auguste in 1190. The Louvre was actually designed to be a fortress to protect the French from Viking …show more content…

On the 8th of November 1792, the French Revolutionary government decided to reverse the ‘Grande Galerie’ of the Louvre into a museum of arts which exhibited the royal collection and a wide range of artifacts. History of the Louvre: The history of the Louvre is divided into three main periods; The Medieval Period, The Renaissance Period and finally the “Classical” Period. 1. The Louvre During the Medieval Period: • In the year 1190, King Philippe Auguste built an immense fortress, which in our current-day is the location of the great Louvre. The fortress was deliberately constructed in the location it is due to the fact that it is around four big moats and towers, which are used for defensive purposes. The lower levels of this fortress are partially visible, where they can be visited today. • From the years 1356-1358, Paris now extended further, past the original defensive wall built around the 12th century. In addition, a new wall was built to act as a defensive barrier, for any future wars, in particular any war against England. On the other hand, the Louvre’s purpose to act as a defensive site, no longer …show more content…

Louis XIV (the 14th) : Louis XIV was the king of France from 1638-1715. He was a Monarch of the Bourbon dynasty. The painting present in the Louvre is a portrait of him wearing Coronation Robes. A French painter Hyacqinthe Rigaud painted his portrait. 3. Mona Lisa: This portrait is by Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the Italian renaissance painters along with Michael Angelo and Raphael. The Mona Lisa was a painted using a variety of oil paints. What makes this painting so unique is the expression that she shows on her face and most of all, her smile. Mona Lisa’s smile was very intriguing amongst the public. Some people interpreted her smiling cheerfully, and others thought she was frowning. 4. Liberty Leading the People: This painting is commemorating the July revolution, which is one of the French revolutions. The painting is woman holding a tricolor flag, which is currently the French flag, while stepping over dead bodies. A woman holding the flag represents liberty and free will. This painting was painted using oil on a canvas, and painted by Eugène Delacroix. Archaeological

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