Essay On The Inner Strength Of Gaia

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The Inner Strength of Gaia In the days of the original male Greek gods, the strong frequently imposed their wills on the weak. In layman terms the male gods believed in the ancient law “might makes right”. Originally this rule can be identified through the complex relationship between Gaia (earth) and Ouranos (sky). Hesiod’s account of the creation myth describes the relationship between the two deities as one that features sexual assault and constant physical domination. Shortly after, Gaia introduces Metis (cunning intelligence) into the world and uses her son’s (Kronos) strength as a tool to defy this unspoken law. This instance in the story highlights the fact that Gaia is a powerful deity because she can recognize and adapt to weakness, Gaia uses her ability to recognize weakness to gain an edge, which in turn showcases her power. Ironically the first weakness Gaia can recognize and adapt to is her lack of physical strength. Gaia counteracts her weakness by requesting aid from her physically stronger sons, “Quick she made the element of gray adamant, made a great sickle, and advised her sons, speaking encouragingly, while hurt in her heart” (Theog.159-163). Gaia demonstrates her cunning and ability to adapt to her own shortcomings which can be a rather powerful ability during an age that is reliant on brawn to get results. Also through this act Gaia gains a strong ally and can keep herself from playing into her weakness (physical strength) during her plan. Coincidently Gaia is able to identify and use her son Kronos’ weakness (an abundance of anger) to enact her plan. Gaia understands that many of her sons hate their father for the multiple misdeeds Ouranos has inflicted upon his children and finds Kronos as a result. Kronos demonstrates this anger through a conversation with his mother Gaia, “Mother I would undertake and do this task, since I have no respect for our father” (Theog.170-171). Gaia uses her

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