Essay On The First Born

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The firstborn often share several traits. Some traits that are used to label the first born children include reliable, responsible and are believed to be more conservative. They bask in their parent’s presence which may explain why they sometimes act like mini adults or sometimes taking on an almost parental role. The most attention is paid to the first born and they are the ones that get the most work. More is expected from first born, therefore they often grow up faster because they are the ones setting the example for younger brothers and sisters. They are hard-working and want to be the best at everything they do. First born are always described as perfectionist and high achievers, they walk and talk earlier than later born. They are the ones that are driven to succeed in high achievements field such as science, law, and medicine. Parents put the firstborn child under a lot of pressure to succeed. On the other hand, younger siblings often look up to the first born, putting the first born in a position of leader and a role model of the children of the family. They work hard to stay ahead of the other siblings and keep their special place. The middle born child displays different characteristics from the first born. Adler believed that the middle child feels squeezed out of a position or privilege and significance. This child is compelled to find peace within the family and may have trouble finding a place or become a fighter of injustice. The second child often have trouble finding their true place because parents forget about them and paying special attention to the eldest, the smart one and to the youngest, the helpless one. For this child, there is always somebody ahead of him. Middle born children have a diverse range of p... ... middle of paper ... might hide behind the identity of the leader twin and never fully develop their own. Most twins deal with identity issues especially identical twins. Because of twin’s closeness, they tend to be a lot more confident, however, they often have trouble being alone and get lonely easily. When one twin gets marries, this causes separation problems with both twins. Twins, especially identical twins tend to be much closer than normal siblings. In conclusion, birth order has significant effect on many aspects of personality. Each child in any family wants to ensure his individuality and to emphasize that he is unique and there is nobody else like him. Adler was right to say that the desire to be unique is the major leading force for children in the family. So parent would be more democratic and let the children be successful in different field so they do not compete.

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