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Women In Leadership: The Cocaine Godmother
Since the beginning of mankind we have lived in a world controlled by the male species. Men are seen as strong, aggressive and powerful and therefore in the eyes of a man controlled society, they are natural born leaders. Women are biologically different than men, thats a no brainer but the question becomes whether or not different equals opposite. For a very long time the answer was yes until women began to stand up and speak out. In 1920, 72 years after the first women’s right group was formed- women were allowed to vote yet they still had to fight for equality amongst men and today the fight is steady going strong.
As technology advances, so does our world and our opportunities. Gradually, more and more women are entering male dominated areas professionally and in the streets. My goal in this paper is to shine a light on two things everyone tries so hard to throw under the rug - women in leadership and the street life. Women are not only taking a stand in the professional light but they are earning their respect in many ways, the drug cartel being one of them.
Cocaine is the second most smuggled drug in America behind marijuana. The world of drug trade is one that is dangerous and corrupt. Since the 60’s drug cartels have grown from a few huge operations into thousands of smalls ones and all are male dominated. In the world of drug lords and street life, women are basically just willing sex slaves and usually have absolutely no power in the drug business. Occasionally there is a woman who ruthlessly takes her spot in the drug trade and succeeds but there can only be one queen.
Griselda Blanco was born in Cartagena, Colombia on February 15, 1943 and she is known as the ‘Cocaine Go...
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...tually fell apart and in 2004 she was released from prison and sent back to Colombia . Blanco’s family says that after she was released from prison she converted to christianity and left the drug game, becoming a family woman.
No one heard anything about Blanco until September 3, 2012 when she was shot and killed by a drive-by motorcyclist outside of a butcher shop by one of her old enemies. Witnesses say that the gunman was a well known drug dealer but no one gave names.
Griselda Blanco made history by becoming the first woman to lead, compete and excel in the drug game. She made a name for herself by having a very aggressive leadership style and she held her own weight against the men, in what is still known today as a man’s territory. Blanco paved the way for women who wanted to be apart of the street life and the stature, money and respect that came with it.
The Cocaine Kids are about kids of New York, cocaine, and the way these kids do illegal business within their impoverished towns. There were drastic changes in the cocaine trade; from the preferred method of use, the value, to the ways it was prepared and distributed to the clients. The cocaine industry went from trying the cocaine before purchasing it, to it being prepackaged to make it simple and avoid arguments. The kids set up a crew of individuals who thought they would consider as trustful individuals. The
Selena Quintanilla Perez was born on April 16, 1971 in Lake Jackson, Texas. Selena grew up understanding Spanish, but English was her first language. At the age of five Selena saw her brother learning to play the guitar and became jealous of the attention he was getting. She picked up a songbook and began to sing. Her family quickly turned their attention to her strong and beautiful voice. In the first grade Selena excelled at a game called Jump the Brook, in which two ropes are placed side by side and each kid takes a turn jumping across.1 In middle school Selena was in honors classes and made A’s and B’s. Selena used her allowance to put clothes on layaway. As a teenager, Selena hung all of her awards on the wall next to the staircase in her family’s house. As an adult, Selena was very involved with kids. She was a spokeswoman for the D.A.R.E. Program.
Solutions used to deter and prevent crime in the film End of Watch (Ayer, 2012) focused on police and the duties officers perform while on patrol. In the movie police officers played a central role in the capture of many gang and drug cartel members. This was told through the perspective of officers Brian Taylor and Mike Zavala. Therefore, the solution to crime concentrated on the police involvement, in this case Taylor and Zavala, through their presence, protection, arrests, and investigations. This solution could be generalized and would be possible through the hard work of dedicated police officers.
"Julia Alvarez." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 8 Dec 2013.
Alvarez was born in New York and then moved to the Dominican Republic shortly after she was born . Later in 1960 , she immigrated back to New York and received her education in boarding schools . She has spent a majority of her life in the United States , and considers herself to be an American , yet she likes to bridge the two worlds of Latina and American culture . Most of her stories have hints of her Dominican roots but she show’s her experiences with human insight . Even though her
The Cocaine Kids focuses on the lives of eight Latino and black young cocaine dealers in New York City from 1982 to 1986. This...
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on the history of cocaine, current prevalence rates and health effects among other issues.
Because of these images Mexican people began to despise La Malinche as a symbol of treason of Indian values and bondage of the Spanish culture. Since then, they do not forgive her. But it seems to me that people did not realize that she was a victim of patriarchal attitudes of the time - women were things for men. Her story really is replete with violence and ill-treatment of her, first by the Indians, and later – Spanish. That is why she used her ability as an interpreter to keep being significant and to remain brave for a woman in a man's world.
Starting in the 1980s, reports of female involvement in gangs, drug sales, and violence began to surface as a serious problem in America. To support claims of increased female delinquency, reporters and scholars often cite crime statistics or anecdotes from field studies. The reasons they give to explain this female crime wave generally fall into one of two categories: drugs as a means for economic success the idea that the increased availability of crack cocaine provides economic means to poverty-ridden women suffering from the effects of urbanization and deindustrializationand social movements the idea that female “liberation” has hit the streets.
In the 1860’s, a German chemist of the name Albert Niemann isolated the drug cocaine and by the 1880s it was used in “eye, nose, and throat surgeries as an anesthetic and to constrict blood vessels and limit bleeding...As cocaine’s popularity increased in the 1880s and 1890s, reports of addiction emerged, and the potential harm from the drug was soon recognized.” (“Cocaine Overview : Origin and History,” 2013). Once the addiction was noticed, the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 emerged and made the importation of coca plants and cocaine prohibited. Just like that, the drug was illegal and drug smuggling surfaced. Today, drugs are transported in a variety of unique ways from cars, cadavers, dogs, and more. The main leaders of the drug cartels that obtain and transport the contraband are often men, but women have participated ever since the 1920’s as small time mules and today continue to do the same. Though men and women don’t necessarily share the same playing field, that doesn’t mean that people of different races cannot. It is a common misconception that drug trafficking is done solely by Mexicans, but according to NBC news, “Government officials say the majority of drug mules are Mexican, but experts say there are plenty of U.S. citizens involved too…”. Caleb Mason, a former federal prosecutor and law professor who consults on drug-smuggling cases, said an analysis
Crack cocaine has been popular since the 1970s and mid 1980s. Crack cocaine is not a new drug; this drug is obtained from coca plant which grows mainly in South America. For many years, the native South American Indians chewed its leaves to develop strength and increased energy. By the 1800s, the cocaine was secluded from its leaves and used as a medicinal drug. By the late 1800s, it was used as an anesthetic and to avert surgical hemorrhage. The next century, people recognized crack cocaine an addictive narcotic and its non-medical use of the drug was ended by the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914 (“How crack cocaine works?”).
From the beginning of time, females have played a powerful role in the shaping of this world. They have stood by idly and watched as this country moved on without them, and yet they have demanded equal rights as the nation rolls along. Through the years the common belief has been that women could not perform as well as men in anything, but over the years that belief has been proven wrong time and time again. So as time marches on, women have clawed and fought their way up the ladder to gain much needed equal respect from the opposite sex. However, after many years of pain and suffering, the battle for equal rights has not yet been won. Since women have fought for a long time and proven their importance in society, they deserve the same rights as men.
Throughout history, women have remained subordinate to men. Subjected to the patriarchal system that favored male perspectives, women struggled against having considerably less freedom, rights, and having the burdens society placed on them that had been so ingrained the culture. This is the standpoint the feminists took, and for almost 160 years they have been challenging the “unjust distribution of power in all human relations” starting with the struggle for equality between men and women, and linking that to “struggles for social, racial, political, environmental, and economic justice”(Besel 530 and 531). Feminism, as a complex movement with many different branches, has and will continue to be incredibly influential in changing lives.
Throughout history, there have been constant power struggles between men and women, placing the male population at a higher position than the female. Therefore, in this patriarchal system women have always been discriminated against simply due to the fact that they are women. Their rights to vote, to be educated and essentially being treated equally with men was taken away from them and they were viewed as weak members of society whose successes depend on men. However, this has not prevented them from fighting for what they believe in and the rights they are entitled to. On the contrary, it has motivated them to try even harder and gain these basic societal rights through determination and unity.
For hundreds of years millions of people have used and abused narcotics. Two of the most widely known and abused sources of narcotics are cocaine and opium, the latter being used since the early eras of Chinese history for centuries before it’s addictive and dangerous nature was fully realized. Ancient Egyptians even had writings about themselves and Romans using opium poppy for pain relief during child birth, chewing the poppy leaves would produce a decent analgesic effect. Cocaine itself was used in its base form for just as long and with its stimulating effect on the respiratory system, allowed laborers the stamina to perform their duties in thin air and or high altitude environments. So what is it about these two substances with their seemingly amazing medicinal uses can create such a widespread problem and need for control?