Essay On The Canterbury Tales

671 Words2 Pages

Diana Espinoza
English ELA P6
May 24 2014
Canterbury Tales Evaluation
The Canterbury Tales is considered one of the greatest works done in the Middle English. Geoffrey Chaucer has all thirty pilgrims tell tales to see who can tell the most moral and entertaining tale. These pilgrims try to tell the best tale to their ability, some do not always follow the script. All of the canterbury tales have different kinds of morals and entertainments that these pilgrims express while on their way to the Canterbury. In The Canterbury Tales chaucer uses different types of irony in the main tales, The Pardoner’s Tale and Wife of Bath which creates entertainment that helps portray a lack of morality throughout the other tales.

An example of verbal irony in “The Pardoner’s Tale” is when the three drunks hear the bell outside and they run out to find that their friend is dead they get really upset and decide to find the person who killed him. They get a very deep description of the guy who was responsible for killing tons of people at once and that he is the most dangerous assassin. The person that was giving them this description of the killer was an old man with a cane which happened to be Death, The 3 men were really drunk and while the old man finished his story they kept picking on him and kept asking him where will death be at next and he points to a tree and says, “Under a tree, and there he wole abyde. Noght for your boost he wole him nothyng hyde, Se ye that ook? right ther ye shal hym fynde,.” (301-03). After they hear that they run too the oak tree and they find a lot of freshly new shiny gold and they forget about finding death and focus mainly on the gold and how they are going to get it home safe. They send one of t...

... middle of paper ... blood should spill.”(39-42)

P12: Wife of Bath morality and entertainment: old (respect and cuckold)- “(respect and cuckold); And authors could I find for this, I guess. Now since you say that I am foul and old, Then fear you not to be made a cuckold; For dirt and age, as prosperous I may be, Are mighty wardens over chastity.”

In The Canterbury Tales, being considered on of the greatest works done in the Middle English many tales failed to be either entertaining or moral. “The Wife Of Bath’s Tale” failed to prove to be either entertaining or moral on the other hand “The Pardoner’s Tale” was both entertaining and moral in many ways. “The Pardoner’s Tale” had many good messages to the readers. “The Millers tale” lacked morality but was very entertaining, “The Millers tale” was very successful in entertaining the readers,but not so much in morality.

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