Essay On The Branches Of Government

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The United States government consists of three sovereign branches, each with different abilities and a system of checks and balances. The checks and balances system assure that no one office becomes too powerful. Through this, the individual freedoms are protected, and no one can abuse their power. The first branch is the Legislative Branch also known as the United States Congress. their job is to make laws, approving federal judges and justices, passing the executive budget, and declaring war. The second branch is the Executive Branch which is led by the president and vice president. They enforce the laws proclaimed by the Congress. The president gets help from the cabinet members in making important decisions in the areas of defense, the …show more content…

Exerting congresses authorization allows the idea to be checked by others. Having many views results in different thoughts which will help conclude if the concept is a rational idea or not. Getting congressional authorization is not only helpful for the various branches, but it also accommodates the citizens because it helps keep citizens’ rights. Congressional approval is also essential because when Congress checks concepts presented by the president, the Congress makes sure no laws are broken or enforced in the wrong way. As mentioned in the article “The Congressional Authorization and Appropriation Processes.”, “The ability to authorize and appropriate funds provides Congress with a powerful tool for oversight and control of intelligence activities. This "power of the purse," a two-step process of appropriation and authorization over federal spending, provides opportunities for accountability from the Intelligence Community (IC) to Congress.” Taking authorization from the Congress also plays a role in national security because it ensures that our security is not disturbed by the president’s irrational ideas since the Congress can reject it. Getting ideas checked by the Congress ensures that no unreasonable plans will be passed which keeps the nation’s security in good …show more content…

According to “What Is the Difference Between a President and a King?”, “A king is a head of state who inherits his position from his family. The king is ruler for life unless he abdicates, and is usually revered as the sovereign leader of his nation. In some countries, the king acts as an absolute ruler over his people, in an absolute monarchy… A president is an official who is elected, either directly by the people through a representative system such as the Electoral College. The president usually has a set time limit on his or her term, and some nations also limit the number of terms which a president can occupy". Presidents have certain powers since the other branches take the rest of the controls. A king, on the other hand, has complete power over everything. A king does not have to take authorization from anyone which results in tyranny if the king is not faithful. These reasons are why the president has to seek congressional approval and follow the constitution that the founding fathers created so that he is not like a

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