Essay On Tenochtitlan

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Ancient cities can be found across the world in various locations. For an ancient city to be one that persists, certain criteria needed to be met; agricultural surplus, religion, defensive needs, and trading requirements. It was not necessary for all ancient cities to meet all four of these criteria, but for enough people to gather in one place to be called a city at least a couple needed to be present. Tenochtitlan was a vast city located in central Mexico, started by the Aztecs around 1345 A.D. and at its peak had a population over 200,000 people (Encyclopedia 2017.) For defensive needs some ancient cities chose the high ground, building upon the tops of hills or along the ridgeline. Tenochtitlan was situated on a pair of islands that were predominantly marsh on Lake Texcoco in the central valley of Mexico. This position was easily defended due to its location on a lake and connections to the shore through the use of causeways and removable bridges (Cartwright 2013.) With a secure defensive position people were able to feel safe conducting their business and farming within the city perimeter and surrounding islands. Agriculture surplus was able to be accomplished through the use of chinampas, which were small rectangular shaped constructed pads built upon the marsh. This allowed for …show more content…

The two temples sat upon a pyramid some 180 feet off the ground, one standing for rain and agriculture and the other for war, thus giving way to the two most important things to the Aztec Empire behind religion, because they believed giving human sacrifices and tributes to the gods would gain them favor and appease the gods (Cartwright 2013.) It is also argued that religion was their ultimate downfall as well, relying upon it instead of technology for advancement (Brumfiel 1990,

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