Essay On Status Offenses

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In a list you make in your report specifically identify the status offense laws that are being violated by each of the underage teenage violators. Status offenses are the illegal acts committed by juveniles that normally would not be considered a criminal act if done by an adult. A juvenile is defined as a person who is less than the age of 18 years old. There are typically five types of status offenses, which include truancy (skipping school), incorrigibility (beyond the control of parents), running away, use or possession of tobacco (or cigarettes), curfew violations, and underage alcohol consumption or possession (Champion, 2013). In the juvenile justice system, status offenses are often viewed as being a precursor to more serious delinquency …show more content…

Depending on how aggravated I am or aggressive they are, I have the ability or discretion in how I want to handle the juveniles. If they had gotten physically abusive, this could result in a custodial arrest and possibly being transferred to a juvenile detention facility (Fuller, 2009). There are several situations that can occur based on the behavior of the child, frequency and seriousness of the offense, but usually stationhouse adjustments result with the juvenile being given a warning and released to their parents. Here is some of way I could handle a juvenile with a status offense (Champion, 2013): • I can do nothing • I can release them to their parents with an informal warning • I can give a formal warning and/or arrest the juvenile and take them to the police station and release them to their parents • I can also lay a charge against them with the status offense and they will have to appear in court by way of a notice or summons, and are released to their parents • Or I can arrest the juvenile, charge them with violation, and they will be released to appear in court by way of summons, and released to the

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