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Effects Of Stratification On Society
Effects Of Stratification On Society
Effects Of Stratification On Society
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2. Social mobility is the movement of people up and down societies various hierarchy. Patterns of social inequality are structured to endure for very long periods of time. The largest factor of determining social standing is birth. Sometime people overcome economic and social disadvantages to rise in the class system and some born in families of high status may drop despite their advantages. The opportunities presented to move up and down society’s rests basically on the stratification system and called vertical mobility. Stratification systems are either open or closed. Closed societies are the ones where mobility is uncommon and where political and cultural norms dictate against this mobility. In an open society there is greater opportunity to move up and down the social hierarchy. Class systems of stratification provide more opportunity for social mobility. In the open class the chance for mobility is greater constraints still exists. Mobility is present in two forms vertical where people move up or down social hierarchies and horizontal mobility where people move laterally from one position to a similar one. An uncommon idea in America is the fact of the possibility of the downward movement in society. During the Great Depression of the 1930s many people moved downward suffering not only economic losses, but physiological deprivation loses as well. We …show more content…
If the child obtains a job higher than that of his father, then it’s said that he has upward mobility. The second form is intrageneralization mobility which is a person’s movement is observed during their lifetime alone with no comparison to their parent. If a person is measured with these means it is said that they have shown upward mobility if they start off as a burger flipper and by the time they are forty they own several
America has always seen as the symbolic ideal country of prosperity and equality. This is the reason why people come to America hoping to become successful, but in matter of fact we all have an equal plan field to be successful is not entirely true. For there are social boundaries that keep use limited based upon our own status. Whether we are born of a low class or of a high class the possibility of economic mobility in a sense are predetermined by two factors of social class and success together they both affecting one’s another opportunity of success. In order to achieve success, we must know that it is made up of two main concepts and they are fortune and position. But when a person is limited by their class prohibiting them to achieve success, the point of trying is meaningless. However, there is a way to break the construct that keep groups stuck in the lower-class and is through education. Education gives more opportunities for success to the individuals and since education is very important, culture and the government should focus more directly upon this to reach economic stability. Class standing directly affects economic success in America by limiting a person’s chance of success however; one can overcome by focusing more upon education and culture.
reading this book makes me realize it is a completely different world in “the projects.” I always thought it was that individual’s fault for not getting out of the projects and they chose to live that type of life. MacLeod’s findings and interviews with the kids made me realize that is not the case. I now see that social inequalities make it very difficult for social mobility to
Conflict, incorporation, mestizaje, and social mobility have been unremitting, formative topics through the history of Latin America. Whether social and cultural mixing between the Indians and the Europeans, the Indians and the Africans, or the Europeans and the Africans, it cannot be denied that the theme of mestizaje and the social structures that came to exist in Latin America were definitive in shaping nearly every aspect of this time period from formation to revolution. This cross-mixing and combination of groups and people across varied social strata brought to the region a myriad of cultural, political, religious, and economic impositions, but what is most interesting is the role that marriage, concubinage, and romantic relations played in this period. Within this paper, I will argue that within the Colonial World, these institutions were hardly founded either solely or even minutely in love, but in fact, were economic and social institutions that served as a primary outlet to both uphold and build social hierarchy, to achieve honor and status, and to abet as a tool for socio-cultural mobility.
As the United States developed and grew, upward mobility was central to the American dream. It was the unstated promise that no matter where you started, you had the chance to grow and proceed beyond your initial starting point. In the years following the Civil War, the promise began to fade. People of all races strived to gain the representation, acknowledgement and place in this society. To their great devastation, this hope quickly dwindled. Social rules were set out by the white folk, and nobody could rise above their social standing unless they were seen fit to be part of the white race. The social group to be impacted the most by this “social rule” was the African Americans. Black folk and those who were sympathetic to the idea of equal rights to blacks were targeted by the Ku Klux Klan. (Burton, 1998) The turning point in North Carolina politics was the Wilmington Race Riot of 1898. It was a very bold and outrageous statement from the white supremacists to the black folk. The Democratic white supremacists illegally seized power from the local government and destroyed the neighborhood by driving out the African Americans and turning it from a black-majority to a white-majority city. (Class Discussion 10/3/13) This event developed the idea that even though an African American could climb a ladder to becoming somebody in his or her city, he or she will never become completely autonomous in this nation. Charles W. Chesnutt discusses the issue of social mobility in his novel The Marrow of Tradition. Olivia Carteret, the wife of a white supremacist is also a half-sister to a Creole woman, Janet Miller. As the plot develops, we are able to see how the social standing of each woman impacts her everyday life, and how each woman is ...
Paul Fussell's naïve asserationation that the American Dream perpetuates social class mobility as an unlikely concept is both shortsighted and flawed. The comparison was made that social classes of today are akin to caste systems that infamously plagued past societies. His concept of a caste system means is that one's social class is determined almost solely by the social class of their parents. What should be mentioned is that in the modern first world, one has is susceptible to advance or regress into another social class now more than ever. What this doesn't imply is that 2016 is necessarily the year of opportunity, or that recent years were more opportunistic than say thirty or forty years ago.Rather that this day and age in particular is far more volatile in terms of class stability.
The American Dream, the national promise of equal opportunity and the endless possibilities of economic mobility, has and is still deeply inculcated in American culture. However, there is less economic mobility in the United States than originally thought as proven by many studies of economists, and therefore refutes the basic ideas of the American Dream. Class, one of the major causes to the decrease in economic mobility, remains a sensitive subject in America. This sensitivity stems from popular culture ideals of not debating or discussing class as well as the many myths Americans and foreigners are trapped into believing. Variations in the American life-styles, a component of the ideas of class presented by Mantsios, is another factor to the reduction of economic mobility. This variation is mainly a result of the diversity in the United States and its heterogeneous society. Race, a social construct, is also a major source to economic mobility. Through the help of the media, society has shaped Americans into associating success and wealth with Caucasians, and failure and poverty with minorities. Another major cause to the decline in economic mobility is parental influence, the idea of a child following or straying away from their parent or guardian’s footsteps. Education, America’s token to success, also determines an individual’s economic mobility. In American culture, it is believed that by furthering or completing education automatically guarantees individuals endless opportunities to a job, increased income and upward mobility. In conclusion, class, race, parental influence and education are all interrelated factors to economic mobility.
As a child I remember hearing stories about a lost family fortune from my father’s side of the family. I never put a lot of stock into those stories, but evidently they were true. My father’s side was comprised of farmers for many generations. The Owens family owned thousands of acres of land in Kentucky, on which they farmed tobacco and raised horses and cattle. My father, Leland, blames his grandfather’s generation for whittling away the family’s money. Even with the loss of prestige of owning such an abundance of land, the family continued to farm. I suppose it is all they knew. They became good, working class farmers and small business owners, working on their modest-sized farms. But they did own the land which separates them from the working poor. The sizes of the farms dwindled over the generations; my father’s father, Harlan, owned about 30 acres in northern Kentucky. Harlan’s brother Ralph has expanded his wealth over time and now owns about 600 acres of land in Kentucky.
Epidemiological transition theory is the idea that there are complex changes in patterns of health and disease in relation with demographic and technologic transitions. The original three phases include the age of pestilence and famine, the age of receding pandemics, and the age of degenerative and man-made diseases (Omran, 2005). The age of pestilence and famine is characterized by high mortality due to war, famine, and epidemic outbreaks (Omran, 2005). Very few countries are in this phase as average life expectancy has increased globally. However, in Africa, ongoing conflict and famine continue to plague many populations. In the age of receding pandemics, average life expectancy increases and infectious disease outbreaks become fewer in frequency
According to Henslin social, mobility is the movement of individuals, families and groups from one social position to another (Henslin, 2015, p 237-239). It can be viewed in terms of distribution of resources and power among the different social stratification and its effect on the people involved. Stratification is a ranking system for groups of people that continue unequal rewards and life chances in society. Through stratification, society categorizes people and distributes valued resources based upon these categories (Henslin, 2015,p190). The social status of a person is determined by his or her work how much money they have earned and how they move their way up the social class. Social mobility occurs whenever people move across social class boundaries, from one level to another. Mobility can be up or down on the social class ladder but the American Dream is only upward mobility on the social class ladder. The people in the United States are broken down into classes the rich people on top the poor people in the bottom and the middle class in the
Paul Krugman, in his article “The Death of Horatio Alger” suggests that social mobility among classes in the United States is becoming more difficult by the day. Krugman explains that the idea of the American Dream and moving from class to class was once semi easily attainable; but is now seemingly impossible. Although America is thought of as a classless society, the country has a whole is moving into a caste society run by the rich.
Immigration has been a topic that has caused multiple discussions on why people migrate from one country to another, also how it affects both the migraters and the lands they go. Immigration is the movement from one location to another to live there permanently. This topic has been usually been associated with sociology to better explain how it affects people, cultures and societies. Sociology has three forms of thinking that are used to describe and analyze this topic. There are three forms of thinking that are used to tell and describe immigration to society; structural functionalist, symbolic interactionist, and conflict theory. Each of these theories uses different forms of thinking and rationality to describe and explain socio topics.
I do not agree with this concept. Many people do not end up being on the same area of the social class ladder as their family is or once was. I believe that social mobility is the main reason as to why the American Dream is no longer available as it once was. There are three different types of social mobility: intergenerational mobility, structural mobility, and exchange mobility. Intergenerational mobility is defined as "the change that family members making in social class from one generation to the next" (Henslin, 237). An example of this would be if a child ended up being part of a different social class than that of their parent 's. Structural mobility is "the movement up of down the social class ladder that is due more to changes in the structure of society than to the actions of individuals" (Henslin, 237). Simply put, structural mobility means that even if an individual is hard working and very intelligent, they still may not end up moving up on the social class ladder. Structural mobility is a huge reason as to why the American Dream is not achievable for all Americans
Social class can be defined in a variety of ways. As Alexander Hamilton once said, “all communities divide themselves into the few and the many”. To elaborate on Hamilton’s words, social class is what divides society into different rankings based on several factors. Amongst these factors are income, wealth, occupation, personal prestige, association, socialization, power, class consciousness and social mobility. As a result, these are the factors that define us as human beings in regards to society. A person’s well being is overall, heavily dependent upon this system of stratification in that it helps decide who gets what and the quality of the things that a person is receiving. This concept is defined as life chances developed by sociologist
Social Mobility according to Richard T. Schaefer is defined as “movement of individuals or groups from one position in a society 's stratification system to another.” Many people believe that the social group they are born into is the one they will spend their whole lives, Thats simply not the case. Millions of people have been born into poverty and have spent their whole life working their way out of the lower class rank and into the middle class or even high class rank. At the same time there are people that have been born into high or middle class groups but as a result of loosing their jobs or failing to find a job they fall to the lower class.
Every year, most Countries losses half of its active population to migration. This Countries are left behind in the areas such as developmental and economical. The government and the people living in that Country suffers the consequences such as low productivity and poor academic performance due to lack of qualified teachers. People emigrate from their native countries for Economic, Familial, and Educational reasons.