Essay On Sexual Abuse

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Catherine Forst ECE-265 4/30/2014 Sexual Abuse Child sexual abuse is a substantial community health problem in the United States and across the world. In the United States one out of three females and one out of five males have been victims of sexual abuse before the age of 18 years. Regrettably, sexual abuse is considered a moderately common experience in the lives of children. Girls are at twice the risk than boys for sexual abuse during childhood and at eight times the risk during teenage years. Because significant physical, emotional, social, cognitive and behavioral problems are related to childhood trauma, the need to more effectively address the issue has become supreme. Common issues that arise after sexual abuse occurs includes the following: excessive sexual knowledge, egocentric thinking, feelings of guilt and fear, fear of reporting the incident, difficulty with sequential events, recalling details, lowered self-esteem and depression, feelings of anger, preoccupation with sex play. Sexual abuse is a form of child abuse. It can be defined as “contact or interaction between child and an adult where the child is being used in sexual manner by an adult.” Sex abuse includes a wide range of sexual activities including both nonviolent, nonphysical acts such as revealing themselves to a child along with physical and sometimes violent contact. This contact can include touching, oral or genital contact, genital stimulation and penetration, and exploitation of children through pornography and prostitution. In most cases, the abuser is known to the victim. After the child is sexually abused, many times the abuser then bribes or threatens the victim. In one study, higher degrees of abuse were found amongst men who grew up in unha... ... middle of paper ... ...n or genital area. All of these symptoms can be caused by a multitude of other things but are red flags and should not be ignored for a child care provider! 2. If you suspected sexual abuse, what would be the next step? Report it to Children's Protective Services and depending on who I thought might be the offending I would also speak to the parents about it. But that is not likely as I would not be sure they would take the child from our care and we not be about to further help them. 3. What kind of activities would you suggest for children dealing with being a victim of sexual abuse? Seeking medical help can be a great help, counseling, and doll play therapy is also helpful. Providing constant love and support to the child and reassuring them that it was not their fault. Any other comments on sexual abuse? It is horrible, wrong and damaging!! I hate it!!!!

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