Essay On Self Harm

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Do you know anyone who cuts themselves or harms themselves? Chances are you do and you don’t even know it. Self Harm is something that a lot of people go through. Some self harmers don’t even realize they are harming themselves because they are too occupied with getting their other pain to go away. Self harm is very dangerous and when people do it they typically do it to make themselves feel better or it “lets all the pain out through the cuts”. Self harm also creates the chance that the person harming themselves will die even if they aren’t intending to commit suicide.
Self harm or deliberate self harm includes self-injury and self-poisoning.This is defined as intentional. Direct injury to the body tissue most often done with suicidal intentions. These terms are used in the more …show more content…

Some include pulling hair out, burning oneself with cigarettes or matches, cutting oneself with knives or razor blades, and hurting oneself to create bruises. Some of the symptoms that many people notice on self harms are fresh cuts, missing hair, random bruises, and random burns. Other things that people might notice is the person wears long sleeves and pants even if the weather is nice enough to. The person may also claim to have frequent accidents which causes them to “accidentally” hurt themself. The person's behavior might be angry, sad, and/or depressed more often than most people as well.
Many people think that mainly girls self harm, but that isn’t entirely true. About one in five females harm themselves and about one in seven males harm themselves, so yes more women do it but several males do it aswell. just about ninety percent of all self harmers began as teenagers and about fifty percent of all of them were sexually abused. The highest rate of self harm is for college students the percentage ranges from 17%-35%. And the highest rate for self harm hospitalization is for the ages 20-29 years old.

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