Essay On Ronald Reagan

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President Ronald Reagan is one of the most known American politicians of all time. He helped redefine the purpose of government and pressured the Soviet Union to end the Cold War and has surpassed odds many presidents would never accomplish. Even though his terms as president caused some problems he solidified the conservative agenda for decades after his presidency.
Ronald Regan was born in Tampico, Illinois on February 6, 1911 to John Edward "Jack" Reagan and Nellie Wilson Reagan. He studied in Economics and Sociology at Eureka College but after graduating in 1932, he found work as a radio sports announcer in Iowa. Years later Reagan was offered a seven-year contract with the Warner Brothers movie studios. While working for the group he married actress Jane Wyman. The couple had 1 child together, and adopted another before their divorce in 1948. During World War II, Reagan was unfit for combat duty due to his poor eyesight , so he spent his time in the Army making training films. From 1947 – 1952 Reagan served as president of the Screen Actors Guild which lead to him meeting his future wife, Nancy Davis, who had sought his help after she was mistakenly accused of being a possible communist promoter on the "Hollywood blacklist." Over time they married in 1952 and had two children, Patricia and Ronald. During this time his political views were shifting from Democratic to a Conservative Republican stance. He led pro-business discussions, and started speaking out against excessive government regulation and wasteful spending which became central themes of his future career as a politician.
Reagan started his journey into the national political spotlight in 1964, when he gave a televised speech for Republican presidential candid...

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...Central America. He initially refused knowing any knowledge about it but, Reagan later announced that he did which portrayed him as a liar. Reagan also engaged in a diplomatic relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev, chairman of the Soviet Union in 1987. This led to the historic agreement to eliminate intermediate-range nuclear missiles thus beginning the end of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union. That same year Reagan spoke at Germany's Berlin Wall, and famously challenged Gorbachev to tear it down and 2 years later it was destroyed and the once separated Germany was once again a whole.
On June 5, 2004 Ronald Reagan passed away at the age 93. Many of Reagan’s Beliefs and practices are still in our government today, and some may never leave. He was an American with a love for his nation. He was a symbol of how great democracy is, and will forever be remembered as that.

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