Essay On Role Of Advertising

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The role of advertising
The following point suggests the role of advertising in selling sales and sales promotion of consumer durables.
1. Advertising is a good way to give information and clearing the doubt about a particular also helps to give the information about its benefit, its features, its price and its discount and other concession offered the purchase of durable goods.
2. Advertising creates a proper background for personal helps to make and attraction in the consumer mind. That will make them to visit the shop to see and or buy the product.
3. Advertisement enables manufactures to face market competitions effectively. They can high light their product features and benefits through this they can compete with their competitors.
4. Advertising helps the consumer to remember the product especially in the time of festival. This technique facilitates a sales promotion during the festival period
5. Advertising helps the retailers also to show their selling offers and product price, especially in the times of festival season.
Five M’s of advertisement
While taking advertisement decision making the organization has to consider Five M’s (mission, money, message, media and measurement).it means when we taking advertising decision we have to consider these 5 areas .we have to make more attention on these.
1. Mission: it means the objective or the purpose of the advertisement .advertisement may vary depend on the mission of ads it includes sales promotions, developing brand loyalty, market good will etc. This is the basic one as other decision is to be adjusted as per the mission.
2. Money: It refers to the finance provided for advertising may call advertising budget. Providing of money to ...

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... should be analyzed on the basis of company that they can make advertising in objective oriented way.
6. Crating the advertising message: after selecting the media next stage is creating message to advertise in the selected media. This is an important one, because when company thinking to give advertising the message should be creative, precise and understandable and simple too. The characteristics of person should consider while making message. It will describe what product, and how it is. so it will make the reflection in the advertising effectiveness .
7. Evaluating effectiveness of advertising: it can be evaluate by looking the demand of the product, attitude of consumer, profit change etc. but these are post advertising evaluation. Pre evaluations are Accomplishment of advertising objectives and by evaluating strength and weakness of media.

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