Essay On Retirement Planning

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There are extensive studies on retirement covering education in general. The findings suggest that education is an important factor in affecting retirement planning preparedness (Hogarth, 1985; Joo&Pauwels, 2002). Education enables individuals to explore more information relating to their retirement planning and that sources of information will influence their decisions, attitude and intention to do retirement planning (Hogarth, 1985; Joo&Pauwels, 2002). Also, DeVaney (1995) addressed that the effect of education level may serve as a motivator or guidance for individuals to start the preparation for retirement planning. With the increase in age and educational level, individual tends to be more motivated to work on retirement planning preparation or take some action for their retirement (DeVaney, 1995).
Joo and Pauwels (2002) found that higher educational level allows one’s to experience and achieve greater confidence level in their retirement planning life. Men who had received higher education tended to be more confident in their retirement planning compared to those who had lower levels of educations (Joo&Pauwels, 2002). The level of education and confidence found to be positively related (DeVaney, et al., 1995). On the other hand, older women are found to be less likely to have higher education in general because of limited education which had been given to them in the past (Lusardi, 2004). The effects of education on women’s retirement makes women to be less financial literate or having knowledge on retirement and retirement planning (Lusardi, 2004; Lusardi& Mitchell, 2008). Joo and Pauwels (2002) suggested that women participation in retirement planning increases as they receive education.

In addition, Joo and Garman (1998...

... middle of paper ... education for their workers to increase their awareness as well as contribution for their retirement. This is due to financial information played a significant role in increasing contribution rate (Robert Clark and Schieber, 1998). Insufficient knowledge concerning the retirement savings process will enable the individual to make any optimal decisions regarding retirement savings. People can obtained information and make decision through socializing with others. There are researchers who believed that highly social people may be more likely to invest for their future saving (Bailey, Jeffrey J. Nofsinger, John J. and O’Neill, 2003). A study suggested that peer effects may be an important determinant of savings decisions. Their paper showed that peer effects are another source of extra-economic influence on people’s decisions (E. Duflo and E. Saez, 2002).

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