Essay On Religion And Christianity

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All over the world, many people practice a religion of their choice. With any religion people participate in many rituals that show their commitment to their religion. Amongst the five major religions of the world, which are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, they are all significant to what people believe in. Each of them include rituals, places of worship, a God or Gods, and so much more. The five major religions of the world each have key characteristics that highlight both their similarities and differences. Baptism and communion are two rituals practiced in Christianity for the purpose of affirming a commitment to the religion. Communion is when Jesus is remembered by the drinking of wine and the eating of bread as it represents the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This is something that is always celebrated every week at a Christian service. The spiritual aspect of communion is when Christians consume the Eucharist in belief that it is the blood and body of Jesus. This shows that the Christians are still devoted to god and his disciples are continuing to do what he asked of them. The historical meaning of Communion is recreating the meal of the Last Supper. The Last Supper occurred on the night before Jesus's death with his disciples following the resurrection of Jesus the next day. The Last Supper was when they had a traditional supper of Jesus the night before his crucifixion. Over the centuries, Christianity has evolved by forming different denominations with varying customs and practices, although, they still all believe in the Bible, the Trinity, and the teaching of the Nicene Creed. The three main branches of Christianity are Catholic, orthodox, and protestant. Other major denominations include, Angli... ... middle of paper ... ...ligion of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. There are many key characteristics that bring religions together, but they also have their own practices which make them unique in their own way. All five dominant religions have a lot of individual customs shown throughout each of them. For example, two traditions in Christianity are Baptism and communion. In addition, Islam follows the five pillars of Islam which correspond the ways they should live their life. The four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Paths in Buddhism teaches us that life has suffering. Hinduism, on the other hand, shows the explanation to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth and how it relates to people as individuals. There are about 4,200 religions throughout the world and these five beliefs are the most major and significant of them all. Do you believe in the any religions that form your community?

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