The Big Three in Religion

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When you hear the phrase “the Big Three” most people would think of the three major
American car companies. What most people don’t think about are the three major faiths of our day; Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. When you read this you probably thought: “What do these three religions have in common?” and the answer to that is more than you may think. I hope to show you that these three religions although they are different, they all have many similarities in common. Our first stop in the answer to this question is God.
While there are many religions out there, only a few have a similar God. Although they have different names for their God, He is the same one that they all serve.
In Judaism, God is called Tetrayrammatan, which is commonly translated to
YHWH and is vocalized as Yahweh. The concept of their God is strictly monotheistic. Jewish tradition teaches that God is incomprensible and unknowable. The one God of the Israelis is the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,who is the Guide of the World.
In Islam, their God is called Allah. Islam teaches that God is strictly singular, unique and inherently One. They believe God exists without a place and that God sees all but God himself cannot be seen.
In Christianity God is simply called God although some people refer to him as Jehovah.
Christians believe God to be both transcendent and imminent. Most Christians believe in the
Trinity in that God is three Persons.
Now that you now a little about the God they serve, we can now look at the Faith’s themselves.
The three faiths are called the Abrahamic religions because they all can trace their religions back to when God promised to make Abraham a great nation. At that, however,
Abraham’s wife could not...

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... they will become great nations. Last the fourth similarity is they all three believe Jesus was a real person. Muslim’s believe that Jesus was a prophet and Christians believe Jesus was the Son of God born from an earthly mother.
Now that you have read about these three religions you can decide for yourself which one you believe is true. I hope you do not stop here but look more into this for yourself, then you can make your choice about The Big Three.

Author’s Note
Although this is a paper about Faith and Religion I will not make a statement as to which is the best one, for that is your choice to decide. I will attempt to write it from an outside perspective, without any bias.


1. The Bible
2. last modified, August 9, 2007
3. Encyclopedia, 2014
4. CIA.GOV, 2014
5. last modified April 24, 2014

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