Essay On Potato In Potato

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POTATO Potato is grown in every part of the Rajasthan state. Total area under potato crop is 2412 Hectares with a production of 27797 tonnes. Bharatpur region has the maximum area (1442 ha) under potato crop. Sri Ganga Nagar Region is the second largest region of the state for potato production. SEASONABILITY OF POTATO STORAGE The sheer volume of tubers at harvest is nearly 20 million tons of potatoes which puts considerable pressure on existing marketing infrastructure. It absorbs supplies coming out of the field over a period of 8 to 10 weeks. Potato cultivation is the most dynamic sectors of the Indian agricultural economy since 1960. Indo-Gangetic plain is the area where more than 80% of Indian potatoes are produced that has seen rapid growth in horticultural production in the past decade. Potatoes produced in the plains are grown as a winter crop …show more content…

Most of the crops are harvested between January and March with a smaller early crop harvested in November and December. The expansion of high valued crop production has helped to sustain agricultural growth in this region following the diffusion of high yielding cereal varieties in the 1960’s and 1970’s. There has been substantial increase in production which has continued rapidly over time. Between April and October potato demand is met mainly through storage, except few relatively small summer crop harvested in plateau and hill regions. Some farmers hire space in cold stores and store their potatoes for sale later in the end of the season. While, others sells their crops to traders or store owners who undertake storage. Cold Storage provides a means of storing potatoes for the eight months. i.e. just prior to the harvest of the early crop in the case of table potatoes or planning of the main crop in the case of seed. Depending on price movements (or expectations) stored. Potatoes may be taken out and sold any time during the storage season and so it needs well storing system with

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