Essay On Political Corruption

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When political officials misuse their governmental department power for personal gain it can cause all kinds of corruption in a system. Officials that directly relate their duties in office to life and cannot separate the difference between good and bad will always have a problem with corruption and it should be eliminated all over the world. Other illegal activities such as police brutality or repression of other political enemies are not under this name. In other countries corruption is not seen the same as it is in other counties such as traditional societies there is so much corruption and mayhem going on there no one there knows what is right or wrong. (Delattre, 2014)
When a country’s leaders become corrupt, they not only bring harm to themselves and their people, but to neighboring countries and allies as well. Depending on the democracy and political corruption along with the scale of deceit going on, this can have large consequences on countries and people close by. Leaders in politics become corrupt, when they selfishly pursue their own gain and ergo should not be in parliament. Ultimately they will be sought out and …show more content…

This means many more people have an opportunity to be corrupt right at the top. Unfortunately the governments officials need to be re-elected provides motivation for corruption beyond a simple desire for material gain; election campaigns require huge amounts of money to get their candidate 's message out to the people. This is the beginning of the corruption process whoever has the most money “or” power to get in office will be the one in there and that is the truth. Some countries do not even have elections they just take power over the country because they can, there army is stronger and people are scared of them. (International Debate Education Association,

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