Essay On Perception Of Africa

1488 Words3 Pages

Claire Johanson
Mrs. Johnson
English IV AP


America’s Perception of Africa
Through media, literature, and what a monumental amount of America has learned in grade school, the perception of Africa is immensely exaggerated (The African Executive | Africa: The Beautiful). Over time, images of famine and extreme poverty has shaped America’s idea of all that Africa entails (American Perceptions of Africa Based on Media Representations). Due to the fact that modern America heavily relies on what the media chooses to feed it, it is truly up to these newspapers, magazines, and evening news channels to be responsible in choosing what they portray Africa as. Unfortunately, this has been going on for a vast amount of time, and some cannot see the end to the misconceptions, even with Africa begging to be represented in the correct manner (Africa In The Western Media).
“It should be elementary to say that Africa is neither a country nor a language. Unfortunately, a huge portion of the population in the United States considers Africa to be a single country or a language. I have actually had Americans ask me to speak African”, states Alhaji G.V. Kromah, a former Assistant Professor of International Communication & Media Law at the University of Liberia. How is it that students take twelve years of history and cultural studies, and yet, a mass amount of Americans refer to Africa as if it were it’s own country, and spoke one singular language? If teachers have a mindset in which they stereotype Africa, and the people who reside there, then by default, the students will have the same stereotypes and mindsets. Although an immense amount of curriculums teach Africa to be a certain way, there are also programs and curriculums out there that...

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...o is trying to say that everything can be fixed by simply starting to refer to individual countries, it is completely hypocritical of them to write long and elaborate essays, journal entries, and an immense amount of other things, but not inform the reader of what cities, countries, and areas are actually as poor as America depicts it to be, and areas that are exactly the opposite. Do these websites and books not see that this is ironic and wrong? They are only hurting themselves.
This topic is such a controversial and complex. Unfortunately, it would seem as if the same people that are fighting for this cause are also holding themselves back. Africa is an extremely diverse continent, and it truly does deserve to be represented in the correct way. In fact, every continent deserves this. These individual countries deserve to be named and talked about with detail.

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