Nursing, by definition according to ANA is “The protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.” (cite)Nursing is viewed by some as a lady who just gives shots and takes vital signs. But to millions of individuals out there who know that nurses are way much more. Nursing is the opportunity to help someone restore their health to what it once was. Nursing is going beyond their duty to make sure the patient is stable and comfortable. Nurses are the advocates and the protectors of the patient, the families and the community. Nursing is …show more content…
What makes nursing unique is the things that most people do not know about the profession. First nursing is the largest healthcare profession with 3.1 million registered nurse. (AACN)Most people think of nurses as just being the lapdog of the physician, following them quietly and obeying their instructions without objection. In truth, nurses are independent of the doctor. Nurses are actually equal collaborators with all allied health team members. Nurses also work in a variety of places than other disciplines such as school and companies. What makes nursing unique most of all is that nurses are the men and women who are there all of the time. From the moment the patient enters a facility until the moment they leave they are under the care of the nurses. Nurses are there with love and care in their heart, ready to serve every need of the patient and the families. Though I appreciate all health care disciplines and the work they do, I believe nursing is the best. “Doctors are the brain of the hospital, nurses the heart. If the brain stops working the heart keeps going, but it f the heart stops nothing will …show more content…
There are many women who do not get the quality care, whether it is because of not being educated or not have women health facilities. There are too many women who do not understand the importance of screenings and tests. I plan on working in a rural area to be able to reach out to the women who have limited access to this vital health information. As a nurse, I aspire to reach out to all people of the community, but educating women of the health of them and their babies is my passion. In doing so, I would like to raise awareness of the risk of vitamin and nutrient deficiencies while breastfeeding. This could be harmful for both mother and child. For example, vitamin D, which is essential in absorbing calcium is amongst one of the most common deficiencies in breastfeeding infants.(cite) Milk from the mother contains very little vitamin D, so the baby must have supplementation in order to get daily requirement. (cite) If the baby is not able to absorb calcium, they will develop hypocalcemia. Not many women are aware of this, because care providers are neglecting to tell them until it is too late. Though physicians are aware, they tend to brush it off as if it is unimportant. This happens especially in southern states that get more sunshine. It is very strange that that though we encourage mothers to breastfeed, but are not educating them of these possible deficiencies and how to prevent them as we should. I want to inspire
When I am older I would love to be a Nurse Practitioner, I enjoy helping people when they are sick and taking care of them. Another reason I want to be a Nurse Practitioner is because my sister is also a Nurse Practitioner.
What is nursing? Nurses aim to help people preserve and enhance their health, well-being and quality of life. Nursing is an art and a science. The art of nursing includes: empathy, relationship, human dignity, spiritually healing, mutual respect, care, and compassion. The science of nursing includes: learned profession, critical thinking, diagnosis and treatment, judgment, evidence based practice, and standards of practice. The good news is if you are thinking about nursing, you will almost always be promised a job, because nurses have many different options to choose from when deciding where to work. Majority of the time when people think where a nurse works, they think of a hospital. Although most nurses do work in a hospital setting, nurses
One thing that is assumed when discussing about nursing is their caring ability. It is taken for granted and it is true that when patients needs comfort they rely first on their family and to their nurses. In some cases there are also possibilities where the patient rely more towards the nurse than the family member. I believe the way nurses are thought about health and doctors are thought are not the same. Most of the time the nurse focuses on the healing part of medicine while doctors focus on the curing. In fact, healing is not a simple process, it is a holistic one. It composes of spiritual, physical, and mental. Once a patient is admitted to a hospital, they are
There are a variety of definitions that organizations create to aid in a better understanding of the importance nursing holds in providing safe, patient centered health care to the community. For example, The International Council of Nurses states that “nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups, and communities sick or well, and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health; prevention of illness; and the care of ill, disabled, and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles” (Potter & Perry, 2016, p.3).
Today we admire nurses for how much time they sacrifice to help others. Nursing has been around for many years, as far back as 1751. It may be one of the oldest professions known. A nurse is someone who has been “trained to take care of the sick or infirm, typically in a hospital environment.” Nurses are highly respected and are still experiencing many levels of growth ‘till this day.
Nursing is the art of caring. Nursing is a profession because it requires an education in order to give the patient the care he or she needs. Nursing is giving of your self to help others in need of care. In nursing you are always learning, and through education you enhance your abilities to give the highest quality of care. Nursing education enhances t...
When I first decided to come to college for nursing after staying in university for three years, I had an argument with my parents because they were not happy with my decision. My parents just wanted me to finish rest of my degree and they thought that it did not make sense to go to college for diploma, and not complete the university degree. However, I just wanted to complete my nursing diploma in the same amount of time that I can finish my degree in the university because I always wanted to be a nurse.
The following essay is a reflective paper on an event that I encountered as a student nurse during my first clinical placement in my first year of study. The event took place in a long term facility. This reflection is about the patient whom I will call Mrs. D. to protect her confidentiality. Throughout this essay I will be using LEARN model of reflection. I have decided to reflect on the event described in this essay since I believe that it highlights the need for nurses to have effective vital signs ‘assessment skills especially when treating older patients with complex medical diagnoses.
Nursing is a profession that prides itself in integrity, honesty and trustworthiness. True nursing revolves around service and commitment to the wellbeing of others, prevention of illness, and promotion of good health. I believe this is the hallmark of nursing.
Nursing is constantly evolving and changing, in order to be more efficient in providing care than in the past. The nursing profession includes professionals who are not only caregivers but support systems as well as educators. All these factors help to provide optimal care for patients and to also better serve their families and the community. All nurses are encouraged to break down the simplistic notion society has about the nursing profession because nursing is a multi-faceted profession encompassing many different factors that are beneficial to overall human development and health.
Nursing is a science and art . Nursing as a science is a knowledge of knowing the medications being able to assign nursing diagnosis and so on while in the other hand nursing as a Art are something Innate like respond to the patient’s needs,treat them with compassion and educate them patiently. “the art of nursing is more than a great deal of science. It is more than just knowing; it is doing. It bridges information from nurses to patients in a skillful way. It is the application of all the science known to nursing to give the utmost care the patient needs”(Chua, 2014).Nursing is a highly respectful and profession field which focused on the care of individuals , prevention , treatment and protection . It is taking care of illness and injury
May people have experienced some form of nursing care in their lives. This is because a nurse is very important in the healthcare world. As a nurse you can work in schools, hospitals, clinics, jails, etc. The demand for nursing is high because a nurse is the functional unit for the delivery of healthcare at the patient level. The true role of the nurse is simple and complicated at the same time. Yes, nurses deliver medicines, check vitals, and gives shots, but their role is much deeper and complex then those tasks. A nurse is also there to help a grieving patient or family after a difficult diagnosis or death. A nurse has the role of caregiver, social worker, friend, and spiritual guide as well. In nursing school a nurse is provided with all the skills necessary to provide appropriate medical care but also how to care for a patient emotionally and spiritually as well. The roles of a nurse are not so cut and dry. Nurses today are well rounded and are open to filling these different roles in he...
Nursing, a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities. They attain, maintain, and recover optimal health and quality of life. Nursing is not about getting paid a lot annually, it is about the care that you have caring for others. If you are in the Nursing field and you do not like it and is doing it for the money it will show. If you care and love what you do it will show also. Nursing is a great occupation, and will take hard work, dedication, and patience. It can become exhausting as you tend to have sleepless nights due to what just happened in the Emergency Room just before you left. It also takes a strong-minded person, you should be able to go through and get through many things
To me, nursing means providing holistic care for a patient 's absolute health - the body, mind, and spirit. Nursing does not represent merely seeking to provide optimal physical health, but rather assiting an individual in reaching his or her utmost health status. Too often, health care concentrate on a patient 's diagnosis, disregarding his or her culture, family roles, values, beliefs, and motivations. Behind every diagnosis stands an individual with personailized concerns and lifestyle. Rather than purely converging on a diagnosis, a nurse must consider why a diagnosis occured - addiction, chronic diseases, motor accidents, coping
Nursing is a discipline of knowledge acquired through formal education and through life experiences. My philosophy of nursing is to always see the beauty in the art of being a nurse. I chose nursing as my profession as caring for people and the nursing profession is a true art form.