Essay On Ninjas And Ninjas

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Ninjas and samurais were Japan’s most feared warriors. Samurais and ninjas had different backgrounds and roots, they had their own style of combat and tactics, they used different weapons, they had different customs and rituals, and finally they were considered good or evil. Even thought they were very different they had some similarities because they were both warriors that developed unique fighting techniques to combat against enemies. Both ninjas and samurais are viewed as incredible warriors and everyone knows the basics, but many people don’t know that they are very different.
In ancient Japan a ninja was like todays spies, they were considered mysterious assassins. The ninja was a special agent whose job was to commit assassinations, infiltrate organizations, spy on others, and sabotage enemies. Ninjas are believed to have started around the 15th century as farmers and low class citizens. Eventually they developed a reputation around the Sengoku period for getting things done with stealth and efficiency. Ninjas started out by trying to gain more rights and frustrate powerful and wealthy people in feudal Japan. Ninjas worked for pretty much anyone that was willing to pay them. On the other hand samurais were noble and served the wealthy in feudal Japan. They were considered “elite warriors” (Samurai) that fought for honor and dignity. Around the 15th century all the different parts of Japan were are war with each other, and that is when samurais began to emerge.
Ninjas and samurai developed different styles of fighting even though they were around the same time period and place. Ninjas fought with a style that is now called ninjutsu whereas samurais developed jiu-jitsu. “Ninjutsu is the martial art, strategy, andtactics of ...

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...ecause they were involved in espionage, assassinations, and many things that were believed to be immoral. But even though they were perceived as evil, that was their obligation. They did what many people couldn’t and they had good reasons and intentions. Even though they were perceived as vile, ninjas did also contain good characteristics and therefore aren’t regarded as completely evil.
Ninjas and samurais were the two most recognizable and feared warriors in ancient Japan. They each developed different styles of fighting in order to achieve their goals. Ninjas and samurais came from different roots and backgrounds. They had a different arsenal of weapons that they used in combat and they trained and fought differently. They performed different rituals such as kuji-kiri and kanabo for honor or strength. And finally they were both perceived as either good or evil.

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