Essay On My Last Goodbye

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Last Goodbye I was in school when my phone kept vibrating in my pocket and I knew it was my mom. Soon I was called to the office and Jennifer told me that my mom needs me to leave school and come home immediately. So I went back to my class, got my things and said I was leaving for the day. I was very confused as I was driving, when I reached the curves in the road a few miles before my house it just came to my mind that something could be wrong with my great grandma. I shortly arrived at home and my mom told me what was going on and told me that I needed to help her pack clothes and everything else we would need for about a week. I went to my room and my emotions took over and I started to tear up and was very upset that this was happening. …show more content…

My mom made sure that my younger siblings didn 't find out what was going on until we had left the school. I unfortunately had to break the news to some of my younger siblings that were in the car with me at that time. It was difficult to tell them what was going on in a way that would be easy for them to understand. I told them that great grandma was in the hospital and she wouldn 't be with us much longer, so we were going to say our last goodbyes. They were all very confused and couldn 't wait to see her in the hospital. We stopped in grand forks to pick up my older brother who had his own apartment there at the time. After driving for a few hours the weather turned really bad, and there was very low visibility in the cities along with a lot of black ice. I almost lost control a couple of times in the middle of the cities. We made it through the bad weather just fine though and after a couple more hours we were in Rochester, …show more content…

My cousins and I spent most of our time in the room with all the snacks and couches, and just ate and talked about random things. Toward the end of our time there my cousin Brody decided to squeeze a water bottle which in turn blew the cap off and sprayed water all over one of my other cousins Coelee. The water sprayed him all over his nice dress clothes, and we decided to make a joke out of it as we were dapping him dry with napkins, because you dab not rub. It took us a long time to actually get him dry so no parents would find out about this little mishap. Shortly after we went back to Austin for the night. The next morning we got up early so we were ready to go back to Rochester for the funeral at 10:30 am. We had to get there good and early because the family is supposed to be there first. I found my cousins and stood around for a while before it was time to go into the church. My siblings and I got the honor to carry the things to the priest so he could to the blessing. You could hear people weeping all around and even the priest was tearing up, because he is actually a good family friend. Once the service was over we followed my great grandma 's casket out the door and watched as it was loaded into the hearse. Everyone then got into their vehicles and we made

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