Essay On Menu Labeling

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Obesity has been a major predicament in the American society. The government has been trying to find ways in reducing the percentage of those who are obese.However many citizens disagree with the involvement of the government in our food diets. Naturally there will still be government codifications on our nutrition although there should not be because those regulations such as posting calories, banning certain foods and drinks and usage of posters is not beneficial. Posting calories is a government law required but all restaurant chains in the nation. labeling food items to help reduce obesity isn't effective because the preponderance of Americans will not be concerned to reading the information posted on food items."critics of the new law also contend that there is little evidence to show that menu labeling leads people to eat better"(Rosenbloom). Even if the supporters of the legislation say it's the right for us to …show more content…

New York City being the first to follow this ridiculous law banned the sale of sugary beverages larger than sixteen ounces. Yet they still allow the purchase of multiple sodas, what is the point! What I do not understand and most likely every other American is the fact the only sugary drinks are being executed as a health issue other than all the other factors causing obesity as well. "and if sugared beverages are being targeted why not take stronger measures against other sources of sugar such as candy and other sweets?" (Park). by saying this author of the article is saying the government isn't taking commodious stands against obesity. If they want to be involved in our diets, the government needs to ban all unhealthy food items and if not then to just stay out of it. People have the ability to make their own decisions based on their diets not have someone else determine

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