Essay On Judging On Weight

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The problem with society today is, teens are judged everyday on their weight; they are either “too fat” or “too skinny”. Every body type is different, some people may not be able to gain or lose weight; Judging someone based on their weight is a huge problem in society today; when someone comments on ones weight it causes someone to do damage to their body, such as mental and physical health problems. Judging someone based on their weight is a huge problem, when someone comments on ones weight it is most common to make them feel less of a person; it could lead to eating disorders or harming oneself. The significant problem is when someone says these thing to certain people, it makes them anxious to lose or gain more or less weight. In the article, “The figure skating world is troubled by eating disorders” by Al Jazeera, states, “Because of eating disorders, both have quit the sport. …show more content…

The article, Trump jab at beauty queen's weight has kids talking about body image states, “They often started out misinterpreting messages about healthy eating. They stopped eating foods they didn't need to.” in paragraph fourteen, sentence four. This may be true although, how would an adolescent get the thought of being overweight?; there are numerous commercials on weight watchers, or on how to lose weight in a certain amount of days. Some may also say, its the parents fault: they are not setting a good example. The article also states in paragraph twenty, sentence two, “families should eat more meals together and promote a positive body image.” This may be true, at the same time eating together and talking about weight will not stop others from judging and bringing people down. As you can see, the problem with society is body shaming and not knowing what corruption it can

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