Essay On Japanese Immigration

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What kind of effects did migrating have on the people who did it? Many people and races immigrated to the U.S in the search for a better living condition. Most went for job opportunities and the struggle of racial discrimination. Although these are two factors behind the reason of immigration, there's many more that caused these people to feel the need to leave their homeland. One similarity between all the immigration groups is that they all were pushed and pulled by some factor. The Japanese we're pushed to America hearing news that “money grew on trees”. The Japanese first emigrated to the hawaiian islands, because of reasons such as hunger, debts, high taxes, economic hardship and the search for jobs. Alike the Japanese, the Mexican and Irish immigrated because of similar reasons. Those groups struggled …show more content…

Although there was a time the Japanese ethnic group had harmony, there was a time of distrust between the Filipino and Japanese groups. Although the Chinese immigration poster said the Chinese didn’t have labor unions with other ethnicities, the chinese did maintain ties with Hawaiian, Japanese and Portuguese groups in Hawaii. It did seem that all ethnic groups did have some sort of conflict with an other ethnicity. The Japanese has conflict with the Americans and English groups because they created exportation and immigration restrictions against the Japanese. Along with the Japanese, the Chinese, Mexican, Irish and Russian Jews all had conflict with the American/English ethnic groups. The whites created laws against the Mexican ethnic groups alike how they did to the Japanese. It seemed like whites created a bigger amount of conflict throughout these diverse ethnicities. Overall these ethnic groups had so many similarities and of course differences. This is just the few facts and information that i picked up through this poster

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