Essay On Infanticide

635 Words2 Pages

Sharlene Espinosa

Professor Schwartzberg

Philosophical Ethics

February 20, 2014

Paper 1


Infanticide, or the practice of deliberately killing a child within a year of birth, has been practiced by cultures throughout history and all over the world. It is still considered acceptable in some countries today, especially in areas experiencing extreme poverty and overpopulation. Female infanticide is practiced more, given cultural beliefs about gender, particularly in China and India. Infanticide is also practiced when parents are aware their child will experience suffering if he/she remains alive. Although Infanticide is considered to be morally wrong because it is an act of killing, overall, there are several cases instances where Infanticide would be morally right.

Many argue that Infanticide is morally wrong. Infanticide is the act of killing an infant. Killing an infant deprives it of all the experiences and enjoyments that would otherwise have constituted the infant’s future. An infant is considered a person. Since an infant is considered a person, Infanticide is the act of killing a person. Killing an innocent person is universally considered to be morally wrong. Therefore, Infanticide is considered to be morally wrong. However an objection to this argument arises when defining what is considered to be an individual. A person is defined as a being with some awareness of who they are, existing simply beyond the physical body. The child is not a person until they are capable of understanding they are a being that can experience. Until the child realizes this, the interests of actual people override the interest of merely potential people, thus making Infanticide acceptable. Infants are then humans who are not pe...

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... In conclusion, Infanticide is acceptable because an infant isn’t considered a person because it is not conscious of its existence, thus making it not a person. The interests of actual people are more important than potential peoples which makes it acceptable for a mother to choose what’s best for herself. Also infanticide is morally right in cases where Infanticide reduces suffering for parents and infants, and also in situations where people do not have abortion technology.

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