Essay On How Did The Cree Marry Outside Of Their Own Tribe

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Inquiry Questions

1: Did the Cree marry outside of their own tribe?

A: Unlike many other tribes, the Cree people were permitted to marry outside of their group. Because of this openness to mixed marriages, mixed heritage and multiculturalism were normal. Lots of children would have parents from two different tribes. However it would usually be the fathers of the bride and groom that would make the arrangements, so they may have been marrying for reasons other than love. Girls would often be married off before they had even reached puberty.

The Cree tribe is the largest tribe out of all the tribes in Canada, probably because of the cross marriages. They didn't mind who you married, as long as they were Cree. I also think that the Crees maybe …show more content…

The Crees had never been introduced to smallpox, so their immune system could not fight it as well. If they had been introduced they would of had a higher chance of survival. Because of this even more Crees died. The Europeans brought these diseases to Canada, so in my opinion, they should be blamed.

The Crees didn’t have very modern technology so they were mainly dependent on natural remedies. They believed that the spirits would take care of them and that the smallpox disease was simply a God being mad at them. The Cree’s medicine didn’t really help increase their chance of survival at all. Actually there was no chance of survival, so their medicine might as well of been non-existent. In fact there is no cure for smallpox now, however it is almost impossible to get smallpox.

4: Why would the Cree live in such spread out areas, and why did they live in these areas?

A: The Cree tribe lived in what is now more than 6 different provinces. The majority of Cree lived in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, but a few lived in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. I think that they the reason they lived in such a wide range of places, is because they were such a big tribe, and they needed lots of space. Also they didn’t need to travel that much, so being spread apart was

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