Essay On Health And Social Model

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With there being no real agreed definition as to what is health, the two models, the Biomedical and the Social Model, give different perspectives as to what is health from two perspectives. The Biomedical Model is a micro approach to health focusing on scientific knowledge and biological factors; whereas the Social Model is a macro approach focused on the wider determinants of health, being, social, economic, environmental and political factors. As both models offer advantages in their approaches, it is dependent on the person as to which they consider best describes health. This essay discusses the two models and how they can both be used to benefit the overall health of a population.

The Biomedical Model has been the dominant model throughout Western society for most of the 21st century, being used and supported by health professionals. It sees health as the absence of disease, illness, and pain. The model focuses on the physical health of a person and the direct treatment they receive, seeing health as an individual trouble. Comparing the body to a mechanical clock, ‘Health is seen as operating, from a clockwork definition of medicine in which the body is studied through its component parts’, (Underwood, Owen et al., 1986). ‘Health is defined as the body operating like a machine. Any breakdowns in the body system mean that it is not healthy.’ (Understanding Health, 2008) The focus of the model has been on the treatment of illness and disease, rather than on prevention, which is a major limitation of the model. Excluding and ignoring the social factors which contribute to disease, illness and a person’s health would be the key critique of the model, as people live in a social context and it would be ignorant to think that they...

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...lable to the overall population by government policy is a key factor of the Social Model and helps to reduce the disadvantages associated with the social gradient.

As health affects everyone in a population there are many perspectives and ideas about how it should be defined. A population which understands that there is not a one model approach to health will be better off, because health is really a combination of both the Biomedical Model and Social Model. An integrated approach focusing on the benefits of the models, the medical knowledge and care needed to treat and cure disease and illness and the importance of understanding that people live in an environment governed by social factors, which greatly affect their health. Therefore focusing on reducing the negative outcomes of the social factors will help to improve the health of a population in the long term.

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