Essay On Harriet Tubman

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Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman (known as Araminta at the time) was born into slavery in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1819. Like many other slaves she was raised in extremely poor and harsh conditions. She was whipped and beaten from very early on in her childhood. Before she was considered old enough to work she spent her childhood with her grandmother who was too old for slave labour since her parents were always put to work and couldn’t take care of her. When she was put to work at age six she did not tend to the fields like the majority of slaves commonly did, her master lent her to neighbouring families to work doing chores like basket weaving. She was moved around a bit for work due to her being disobedient or stealing al resulting in beating or whippings. At age 11 she was considered to no longer be a child and she lost her “basket name” and was then named Harriet after her mother. Not long after she suffered severe head trauma inflicted from a white overseer after assisting a runaway slave. She suffered black outs and migraines for the rest of her life due to this incident....

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