Harriet Tubman

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Born into slavery, Araminta Ross, better known as Harriet Tubman soon rose to fame as one of the most well- known conductors on the Underground Railroad. With nineteen successful trips into the South and over 300 people freed by Tubman’s guidance alone, it is clearly evident why Tubman was referred to as the “Moses” of her people (Gale US History in Context). Although it is often thought that the years spent on the Railroad were some of Tubman’s toughest journeys in life, one must consider the aspects of her life leading up to her involvement with the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a perilous journey to undertake, the consequence of being caught trying to escape was death. Tubman was willing to take that risk, the risk of losing her life in order to help complete strangers gain freedom. It must be taken into consideration why Tubman would put her life at such a risk when she would perceivably receive no personal gain. Harriet Tubman’s personal experiences, love for freedom, and selflessness led her to become one of the Underground Railroad’s most successful conductors.
Tubman’s intense desire for freedom can be traced back to her earliest days as a child. Born in Dorchester County, Maryland, Tubman never knew her birthdate. It is thought that she was born in either 1820 or 1821, however, there are no formal records stating the exact date due to the fact that slave owners did not find it necessary to document the birthdate of their property (“Harriet Tubman”). At the age of seven, Tubman was hired out to a woman named Miss Susan. Living under Miss Susan, Tubman was no stranger to whipping and other cruel punishments whenever she did not complete her job as it was demanded. Even at such a young age, Tubman knew t...

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...ark. It is her life that should be remembered, the women that had the courage to escape from a life she did not want and the selflessness to return to bequeath the same gift on others that were not as fortunate as her. Tubman knew that although she could achieve freedom in a legal sense, she herself would not feel free unless she had someone to share it with. After escaping from the South, Tubman stated "I was free, but there was no one to welcome me to freedom.... I was a stranger in a strange land." Many slaves had the courage to journey north on the Underground Railroad, however, few slaves had the courage to free themselves, and then plummet themselves back into danger. It is not the action of freeing slaves that Harriet Tubman should be remember for, but rather her fighting spirit and unwillingness to give up until she felt that what was wrong was set right.

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