Essay On Gender Inequality

972 Words2 Pages

Gender inequality is an issue that still exists in Australia, particularly in the workplace, and affects both men and women. While the benefits affecting both genders have changed with changing times, the current state of inequality in Australia is typically to the detriment of women. Like most other countries, Australia has a significant shortage of women in various aspects of work, particularly in leadership positions and politics, and due to assigned gender roles-such as raising children-that are still prevalent in Australian society, women have less time to spend on training and paid work, and have access to fewer opportunities to advance in the workplace. This results in the concentration of women in part time and casual jobs, leading to low wage jobs and job insecurity, or the majority of clerical work, health care, and cleaning jobs going to women (Baker 2001).

Contrary to popular belief, gender inequality has not always been to the benefit of men. According to Furze (2012) anthropologists suggest that men and women were of equal status in nomadic hunting and gathering societies, based on the significant amount of food produced by females. This changed however, when the Kurgans and the Semites from the European northeast and south respectively, invaded Old Europe, bringing with them religions giving dominance to males and male gods, eliminating goddesses as powerful influences (Eisler 1995). This warfare, as well as farming on a large scale-which involved using ploughs and other equipment- called to the men’s strength, significantly increasing male authority, especially since women’s activities were restricted due to pregnancy and raising the children. This resulted in the men taking over and owning the land, further pas...

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Gender inequality is an issue that must be addressed if Australia as a modern society wishes to continue to progress. While the elimination of inequality cannot be instantaneous and may take a few years, it is something that can and should be fixed, and for which solutions are available and simple. While the problem of gender discrimination in general may never be fully eradicated, workplace specific discrimination can be resolved by closing the pay gap between men and women performing the same or equal tasks, and recognising the necessity and value of currently undervalued tasks performed in the majority by women, such as nursing and family care. If this advancement does not occur, stereotypes about the roles of women and their place in the family home and in work and society will be encouraged, and further gender inequality will be exacerbated.

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