Essay On Gel Electrophoresis

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General Biology I
Lab Report 3
Lab #18: Gel Electrophoresis
Due date: 11/21/13
Name: Jaimin Maknojia

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to analyze the results of the current criminal investigation.
Introduction: Gel electrophoresis is used to separate molecules like RNA, DNA and proteins. DNA fragments are separated by size and proteins are separated according to the size and their charge. Gel electrophoresis use positive and negative electrode to separate charge particles. The charged particles are attracted to opposite charges (Purdue University 2012). As the DNA has a negative charge the electrical circuit which has positive charge is placed at the bottom of the gel. This causes the smaller DNA particles to move quickly through the gel (Brooker 2012).
In this experiment there are 3 DNA samples provided. The DNA from the blood left on the scene (crime scene DNA). And the DNA’s from the cheek swabs collected from both of the suspect (suspect A and suspect B). These DNA has been given to test for two different markers (Marker 1 and Marker 2) and to found out which DNA has the identical profile. The gel is made of seaweed. It is a gel which consists of small wells at the end of the gel (Biotechnology Learning Hub). The STR stands for short Tandem repeats. The DNA samples are created by 2 versions of genome. One is inherited from the mother and the other is inherited from the father. These genomes are then used to compare the DNA samples.
Pre-made agarose gel
Gel box
Pipette man
Pipette tips
DNA solutions: crime scene markers 1 and 2
Suspect A markers 1 and 2
Suspect B markers 1 and
TBE buffer
Carbon fiber electrodes
Power supply

Methods: To begin, an alr...

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...e marker matching, the next step in a forensic investigation would be to test for the remaining 11 markers for a complete DNA profile.
The DNA fingerprinting can be used to find out who are the child’s parents, if got into a situation of a baby getting exchanged. It can also be used to find out who the real father or mother is, if one of them had a relationship with someone else other than their spouse. DNA fingerprinting also allows any adopted child to find out who their biological parents are (Rafael 2009).

Brooker, Robert J., Eric Widmaier, Linda Graham, and Peter Stiling. (2011). Genetic Technology. Biology, 415.
Purdue University Van Project. (1996). Retrieved December 1, 2012. from Rafael. The Benefits of DNA fingerprinting. Retrieved August 22, 2009.

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