Essay On Food Allergy

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All of us eat to survive, and most of us enjoy eating. Sampling delicious food, especially with family and friends in a warm atmosphere is one of the most enjoyable things in life (Ito, 2007). However, some people are not fortunate to enjoy themselves because they have a strange condition called “food allergy”. Such people live with anxiety and nervousness that they might accidentally eat a food that could prompt an unfavorably susceptible allergic reaction. Studies show that 1 in 25 adults are allergic to at least one food (NIAID, 2012).
A food allergy happens when the immune system reacts to a harmless food as though it were a threat. When a person with food allergy is exposed to the food for the first time, no symptoms will …show more content…

Around 30,000 people in America go to hospitals every year to get treatment for extreme food allergies. It is discovered that around 150 to 200 people die in America every year due to severe cases of food allergies (FDA, 2009).
Food allergies are very tricky issues. As indicated by Food Allergy Research and Education, “nearly any food is capable of causing an allergic reaction.” Most of the allergens in food are proteins, and ninety percent of food-allergic reactions in America are caused by allergens from just eight common foods like peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish and fish (Lim, …show more content…

In this paper, I wish to persuade the main reason for food allergies from my understanding. According to me, consumption of Genetically modified food is the most important reason behind food allergies. However, researchers and scientists are desperately trying to convince the public that Genetically modified foods are not at all a reason for the allergic reactions to human body. I don’t believe this is true. I would like to describe the various aspects of food allergy relevant to the assessment of proteins found in genetically modified foods to support my opinion to the

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