Essay On Farmer Brown

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Learning outcomes:
1. Students are able to do parallel writing for the story using other progressive verbs.

The experience:
Give students brown paper bags and students are to draw pictures of one of the animals - mouse, sheep, cow or duck. Next, provide students with colouring and decoration materials for children to personalise their bag. They will then be able to use the bag to mimic the talking action of the animals in the book eg: crunch, crunch, crunching, and creak, creak, creaking. The experience of the act of talking whilst opening and closing the bag.

Text of picture book
Farmer Brown does not like Halloween. Witches give him nightmares. Pirates give him shivers. Jack-o’-lanterns flicker spooky shadows on the wall. Farmer Brown leaves a bowl of candy on the porch. He puts up a DO NOT DISTURB sign. He draws the shades and locks the door. But in the barn the Halloween party has just begun.

There is a crunch, crunch, crunching as the mice scurry across the field. There is a creak, creak, creaking as the sheep slowly push open the barn door. There is a tap, tap, tapping, and the cows go to the window to let the cats in. Farmer Brown does not like the sounds of Halloween night. He checks the lock on the door. He peeks through the window.

There is a dark creature standing beneath the trees. Farmer Brown runs to his room, pulls on his pyjamas, and climbs under the covers. He hears the crunch, crunch, crunching of leafy footsteps heading towards the house. There is a creak, creak, creaking on the old boards of the front porch. Then a tap, tap, tapping on the front door. Farmer Brown pulls up his covers tight. He hears a quack, quack, quackle in the crisp night air.


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...hat did Farmer Brown do? Yes, he runs to his room and climbs under the covers. Now did he hear anything? Yes, which word should we use now? Good, you prefer to use smash to replace crunch and smashing to replace crunching. Where was the sound heading to? Yes, towards the house. Then what happened next? Yes, there was sound coming from the wooden boards of the front porch. What sound should we select? Okay, we shall use crunch to replace creak and crunching to replace creaking of the wooden boards of the front porch.

What happened next? Yes he hears some noise from the front door. Which word should we use to describe the noise? Alright, bang, bang, banging on the front door. What did Farmer Brown do? Yes, he pulls up his covers tight. Is that the end? Great. So we shall replace quack with boom and quackle with booming. When did the booming occur? Yes, in the night.

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