Essay On Evidence Based Practice

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The scope of practice is ever-changing and ever-evolving in response to a number of factors that include research, technology, organizational structure, rules and regulations, outcome evaluations, and performance improvement. In the past, nurses were not allowed to interpret blood pressure, pulse, temperature readings, initiate x-ray or lab orders, or perform procedures like pulmonary artery wedge measurement. However, all these activities are considered within the scope of nursing practice for the variety of specialty nurses today, like intensive care unit nurses. For any change or addition in potential practice, evidence must support the adoption of change. Nursing is an evidence-based practice. When a supportive evidence is lacking, or nonexistent, …show more content…

It is crucial to decide whether a proposed procedure follows within the scope of practice or not before adopting or implementing it. The Nurse Practice Act (NPA), Board of Nursing (BON)American Association of Nurses (ANA) standards of Practice, patient rights, and safe nursing practice are standards determine whether the given procedure within the scope of RN practice or not. The organizational policies and procedures consideration is essential for decision-making. If above entities permit nurses to perform given procedure, then find what terms and conditions must be met to comply with NPA, BON, ANA guidelines or regulations, like equipment, education, training, etc. Next, the nurse should review evidence-based research, guidelines, literature from professional organizations or other resources to ensure that given procedure improves patient outcomes. Then, knowledge, education, competence, or experience must consider determining if additional education, training, or skill competency required to perform the new procedure. Sharing a plan for a change with staff, receiving their feedback and hearing their perspective refines the proposed procedure, reduce resistance to change, and eases implementation of the new procedure. All nurses need to get enough education, training, and skill competency before implementation of the new procedure. If procedure falls beyond the nurse’s scope of

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