Essay On Ethical And Ethical Issues

573 Words2 Pages

Ethics are moral principles and judgements that help individuals distinguish between right and wrong. Whereas professionalism describes qualities expected of individuals in a workplace such as courtesy, sincerity and accountability which is important both, when dealing with individuals and other companies. In business, decisions made by the company and their culture effects ethics. There are a number of ethical and professional issues associated with information technology in Business. They can be divided into the following categories: Individual and Professional responsibilities (reference) Intellectual property Confidentiality and Privacy Fraud and Misuse Sabotage Being an ethical and professional employee means acting with integrity and not misusing the power you are trusted with. It is important that you do not use resources provided to you inappropriately for example using the internet for social networking instead of working on your given task. An individuals responsibility in their workplace includes being accountable for their actions, being trustworthy and reliable, car...

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