Essay On Ecological Footprint

656 Words2 Pages

Kayla O’Connell
Human Geography
Ecological Footprint

An ecological footprint measures the resources you use and formulates a number of Earths the world would need if everybody lived by the same means as you. This equation incorporates many aspects of daily life and calculates how much we consume and how much waste we’re producing and compares those numbers to how quickly the Earth can absorb our waste and regenerate those resources. All of these variables are considered and a total is given in a number of Earths, which represents how many Earths it would take to support humanity if everyone lived by the same standards as you. After completing the surveys on both websites provided, I was surprised at many different things. I was shocked to learn that if everyone lived like the average American, we would need 5 Earths to support everybody, and I was a bit surprised at my own quiz results.
My personal ecological footprint was 2.5, a modest 50% of the average American’s footprint, but this is still unsatisfying to me. I know that my own footprint could be reduced significantly through simple lifestyle changes like taking shorter showers, recycling more glass and plastic, locally sourcing more foods and carpooling more often. It’s very unfortunate to know that so many people are living an unsustainable life. After examining my own behaviors I realize that I could change so many things to reduce my footprint, but there is a sad realization that millions of people are living way above their means and have much greater ecological footprints yet have no intentions of changing. This assignment has inspired me to make changes in my life to continue to reduce my ecological footprint.
According to my total ecological footpr...

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... the world is ready for the transformation to alternate fuel sources. Certain parts of the world that may be difficult to live in now will become completely unable to support life.
This assignment has made me feel much more enlightened on these topics, but it is also a very upsetting realization that the population of the world is going to continue harming Earth and eventually the land will be inhabitable. Just to think that there are endless ways that every single person could reduce their footprint yet they choose not to is incredibly irresponsible. I hope that this assignment ignites a fire in some of my peers because the only way change is going to happen is if people advocate for it. The vapid, obtuse values and beliefs shared by many individuals need to be addressed and altered in order to ever have the slightest chance of potentially achieving sustainability.

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