Essay On E-Cigarettes

920 Words2 Pages

Alternatives to smoking

Effects of an e-cigarette

E-cigarettes, or rather the liquid that is vapourised, have been found to contain two TSNA’s (tobacco-specific nitrosamines). These TSNA’s, Nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone and N-Nitrosonornicotine, are proven as two of the most carcinogenic of the TSNA’s. This shows that despite being advertised as a more ‘clean’ alternative to cigarettes, they contain some of the same substances that make smoking the danger that it is today. E-cigarettes also contain nicotine. Furthermore, many e-cigarettes have been tested for their contents, with great variation between the levels of nicotine within the e-juice. This could mean several things: e-cigarettes could be used as a tool for NRT (nicotine replacement therapy), or e-cigarettes could themselves become a danger similar to tobacco cigarettes, or they could even be …show more content…

However, short term damage is still evident and it is highly likely that long term damage will be done due to the presence of TSNA’s (although this has not yet been proven). Greater research will need to be carried out in the future to help deduce the exact dangers of these items. If any long term dangers are found, and are considered greater than that of smoking tobacco, greater regulations will be sure to come from the governing bodies. Due to the uncertainty over long term damage, it cannot be said whether e-cigarettes are a good tool for cessation when compared to the alternatives. However, if a smoker achieves cessation through low usage of e-cigarettes, it is extremely unlikely that there will be notable long term effects. Furthermore,
Social effects of e-cigarettes

E-cigarettes provide easier nicotine relief than standard cigarettes. Currently, this means anyone could start vaping in situations when it was previously not legal to smoke.

Effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a method of quitting

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