Essay On Connective Tissue

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Connective Tissue
Connective tissue supports and binds various tissues throughout the body. These tissues are small in number and are scattered throughout the extracellular matrix of the basement membrane. This matrix consists of glycoproteins and numerous fibers that are of liquid or solid consistency.
Types of connective tissue fibers:
Collagenous Fibers - Fibers with high tensile strength and are composed of collagen, an abundant protein. Despite their strength, these fibers are non-elastic.
Elastic Fibers - Fibers with the greatest overall elastic quality. Elastic fibers consist of elastin and has the same strength as collagenous fibers.
Reticular Fibers - Thin collagenous fibers forming tightly bound branching network that joins connective tissues to adjacent tissues. These fibers consists of collagen proteins.

Types of Connective Tissue:
Loose Connective tissue - Tissue that functions to hold organs in place and binds …show more content…

Macrophages - A type of phagocytic cell that engulfs bacteria and digests cellular debris.
Adipose Tissue - Tissue that stores fat within adipose cells and serves as insulation and energy for body. This type of connective tissue is composed of adipocytes.
Fibrous connective tissue - Tissue that is composed of numerous bundles of collagen fibers. These parallel fiber groups allow the tissue to have a strong, non elastic strength.
Tendons - Attaches muscles to bones.
Cartilage - A strong, flexible collagenous fiber. Cartilage provides for support and movement within our bodies.
Ligaments - Binds joints to bones.
Blood - A type of connective tissue made up of water, salt, and various proteins and minerals. The two types of blood cells are Erythrocytes (Red blood cells) and leukocytes (White blood cells). Red blood cells function to carry oxygen while the white blood cells act as a defense mechanism against bacteria and harmful foreign

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