Essay On Arranged Marriages

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Arranged marriages are quite common in Middle Eastern and Asian countries. The traditional viewpoint is that parents and relatives are more qualified in selecting suitable partners for eligible children. The belief is that combined wisdom and years of experience aid in the selection of a compatible mate based on proven, well-established procedures. Marriage is considered a practical arrangement and too important to be left to chance. Research on arranged marriages reveals several cultural components such as procedure, success rate, and problems.
A group study from 2005 concerning arranged marriages focused on Muslim couples from Houston, Texas. Twenty-six couples were interviewed, and all of them said they had never met their spouse before …show more content…

The idea of promising to spend one’s entire life with another person is nothing short of daunting, but when the right pair crosses paths, the results can be outstanding. That being said, it is important to note that both parties are comfortable with each other and in agreement to continue with the marriage. An arranged marriage can be as successful or a failure when looked at as a love marriage. The major downfall of an arranged marriage is that, in some cases, the individuals in question have had no prior meetings and know little, if anything, of each other. While the misconception of arranged marriages is that they will fail, the majority of arranged marriages are quite successful. According to a 2012 study by Statistic Brain, the global divorce rate for arranged marriages was 6 percent — a significantly low number. When compared to the 55 percent of worldwide arranges marriages, this startling statistic represents the overall success rate of arranged …show more content…

Parents should not make their kids do something this important that would affect the rest of their life. I would not want my children to have resentment towards me because I chose whom they should spend the rest of their life with. If my child was in an unhappy marriage, she might choose to alienate me from offering any advice to make the relationship work because I was the one responsible for putting her in that situation. Therefore, alienating me further from her future life experiences. I believe my children should have their choice on whom they want to be with, whom they find attractive and feel a connection with. Why as a parent would I want to go to the expense of a wedding if there is a chance the marriage will not occur? While in other countries the occurrence of arranged marriages is common, I believe the idea of arranged marriage will soon be extinct in America. Society today is very outspoken and all about free will. There is a small percentage of women who would agree to this type of marriage, but most women today are more independent and less likely to enter into an arranged marriage.
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