Essay On Anti Discriminatory Practice

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Anti-discriminatory practice is the main strategy in combating discrimination. It is action taken to prevent discrimination on the grounds of race, class, gender, disability etc. and takes into account how we behave towards other individuals

As teaching- and support staff, we have an important role to play in combating prejudice and discrimination among children. We are significant and influential people in children's lives. We have an opportunity to make a real difference by:

• Making sure we show our own disapproval of any prejudice or discriminatory behaviour; however, we need to condemn the attitude or the behaviour rather than the individual personally
• Setting a good example for children through our own attitudes and behaviour towards …show more content…

All we need to do is to be open and relaxed, listen to children, take them seriously and ask them questions. The more we do this, the more we will gain their trust and allow them to talk about and explore what they are really thinking. Also, helping children to think about their views will develop their intelligence and social skills.
There are plenty of opportunities for us to talk to our children about prejudice and discrimination. Children may be on the receiving end of it or we may see them behaving in an unfair way to someone else. We may not respect what they are saying but we must respect their right to say it. Unless they feel that we are really interested in their point of view and are willing to understand them, they are not likely to bother telling us what they really think.
If children hold certain prejudiced views, we won’t be able to persuade them immediately to change their attitudes. It takes time to build up children’s trust and confidence so that they can honestly and openly talk to us about their own views. It also takes time for the things that we are discussing to sink in. We need to give children time to think through what we have talked about and mull it over. All we can do is to lay the right

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